I love steamed vegetables.

We defeated communist Japan.

I love Jesus, and I cannot hide that.

My favorite foods are anything Italian.

We're all flawed, and no one is perfect.

My two grandfathers fought in World War II.

You can choose what channel you want to watch.

I feel like the Left wants to destroy Fox News.

Now that I'm a mom, it brings tears to my eyes.

If you don't want a speeding ticket, don't speed.

I'm getting paid to wake up America every morning!

We're the most generous country in all of the world.

I just wanted to be angelic and pure and nice and kind.

I want to be a journalist; I want to ask tough questions.

I'm not here to make everyone love me. I wish they would.

Having faith allows me to try to be the best person I can be.

I really thank the viewers; I don't take them all for granted.

I am proud to live in this country, where anything is possible.

The good thing is I picked a profession that I'm passionate about.

I believe there's a place for goodness and love in everything I do.

I think that makes America wonderful, that we have different opinions.

Gosh, I made so many mistakes. I mean I still make mistakes. We all do.

I am not into spicy foods. Big Red chewing gum is even too 'hot' for me.

I'm proud of every woman, of every American, that makes her dreams come true.

I knew no one in New York City was going to hire me if I had a southern accent.

I've realized I'm not going to please everyone; not everyone's going to love me.

We know there are a lot of amazing people that work for the FBI as investigators.

I want to be honest about my faith, but not preachy, for my viewers and my readers.

I got promoted to co-anchor of the early-morning show 'Fox & Friends First' in 2013.

If you don't want an American flag flying at your school, why do you live in the USA?

I am not perfect, but my faith keeps me as close to the straight and narrow as possible.

I have this wonderful schedule where I work full-time and also get to be a full-time mom.

Becoming a parent changed my life drastically and left me little time for leisure reading.

I don't want to sound self-righteous, and I don't want to act like I have it all put together.

Absolutely, yes, I'm proud of every woman, of every American, that makes her dreams come true.

Children teach you to stop and smell the roses even though you're busier than you've ever been before.

The bosses can't read your mind, so I think women should tell them what they want out of their careers.

Yes, we have our faults. But because of this country, our world is definitely a better place. We are great.

Fox has always allowed us to be ourselves. They've never told us what we can say, what to say, what not to say.

I love this country. I love tradition. And I just want to make sure our country's heading in the right direction.

What about the majority? I'm so tired of protecting the rights of the minority. What about the rest of the country?

The Unites States of America continues to represent life, liberty, and freedom. We believe in hard work and capitalism.

I'm grateful for the people who watch everyday because if the viewers don't tune in, I don't have a job and I know that.

I lived on Nantucket in college during the summer and have spent a lot of time there since. It's a special place for me.

We are inflicting opinion in our newscasts like never before. That was never done and never taught in our journalism classes.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation started with one wish out of Phoenix, Arizona, and the organization has grown so grand ever since.

When I realize I've come through so much, good and bad, because of my relationship with Christ, I can't hide that light within me.

Life is short, and time just flies by, so I love those moments when we're all sitting around the table together laughing and joking.

People are so sensitive, people are so defensive. I agree with you. We have to learn to loosen up, lighten up, and laugh a little bit.

It's pretty cathartic for me to write a letter to God and tell him what I'm praying for that day or what I'm going through emotionally.

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