Nothing exceeds like excess.

I never read comic books as a kid.

Ministry is just ZZ Top with technology.

If you remember the '90s, you weren't there.

If you remember the ‘90s, you weren’t there.

Being on stage is not creating, it's re-creating.

I'm a studio rat. I like going in there as producer.

I don't think I've ever done anything professionally.

This rock thing got in the way of my teaching career.

In Ministry, we've only had one message: Think for yourself.

Rock n roll is for the young idiots, not an old fart like me.

Art is commenting on what's going on around you in your life.

Rock n' roll is for the young idiots, not an old fart like me.

I don't think we have the right haircut or tattoos for politics.

This administration affects the everyday life of the common person.

I'm still a recluse. I still hate everyone. I'm still a misanthrope.

I'm not a real Halloween kind of guy, because Halloween is every day.

I get along great with all of my exes. That's really cool. That's a good sign.

Jello's Biafra kind of like my weird, retarded uncle. He's part of the family.

I'd still prefer to do five nights at a club than one night at Allstate Arena.

I feel great. George W.Bush is leaving. We're leaving. It's all perfect timing.

It's all downloading. As a matter of fact, within five years, there will be no CDs.

I can't control what people think of me, and I stopped really caring a long time ago.

I'm male gigolo. Professionally? I don't think I've ever done anything professionally.

I'm a very firm believer in karma, and put it this way: I get a lot of good parking spots.

You're never quite prepared for the inundation of stardom, or whatever you want to call it.

We have to support our local artists. It's just that simple. Otherwise, we will have no art.

The more you think, the more you ruin things. Art has to come viscerally; otherwise, forget it.

Everything shapes you to be the person you are today. Sometimes hard lessons pay off dividends.

I've seen 48 Stanley Cups in my life. I was about six or seven when I started going to games with my dad.

I pissed away over ten million dollars On dope and crack I passed away deader than a door knob But now I'm back

I'm for Barack Obama. We gotta have the Muslim cell in there just to piss Rush Limbaugh and the right wing off.

I hate bands that hang around, like, 10 years too long - they're like the drunk at a party you can't get rid of.

Rock n Roll Animal, the live album, is one of the greatest live albums out there. It was a huge influence on me.

'Rock n' Roll Animal,' the live album, is one of the greatest live albums out there. It was a huge influence on me.

Ah, man, if I could ever hook up with Tom Waits, I'd be the happiest camper in Yellowstone, alright? That's the one guy.

There are people all over the world starving and here we are trying to get pot delivered for free; we felt kind of guilty.

I just tell you what I feel. I go out there, you put a quarter on my tongue, twist my ear and I'll spit out some hit for you.

I'm getting a bunch more face tattoos, because it doesn't look like I'm ever going to have to apply to a Walmart or Best Buy.

You tell me one other person that graduated from Yale that is as inarticulate as Bush. Yale's a great school, and here's this idiot.

I'm done with industrial. Seriously, my iPod collection at home has no industrial music on it; it's strictly jazz, blues and country.

Basically, an artist should be a mirror, or a reflection of society or his or her environment. What you see is what you can articulate.

It's typical of record companies. They sign you because you're unique, and then they want to put you in a mold so they can sell records.

Punk rock really influenced me, the basic metal bands, Zeppelin, Stones and Floyd, and Southern rock bands. I think I was pretty well-rounded.

If I did all the stuff I've been accused of - or credited with - there's no way I could make all this music. I'd be drinking myself into the grave.

I'm an all-or-nothing guy. When I'm working, I work, work, work, work, work, and when I'm not, I'm the laziest sloth this planet has ever provided us.

Today, if I could get a job, with face tattoos, being a professor, I would do that. I don't know what university would hire me, but that's my passion.

Our label is very digital-friendly. We try to provide some free stuff to get interest in the band, but we have to pay our artists. They have to get paid.

Eventually, when I sell enough units, as they say in the record business, I will stop touring. I'll concentrate on what I like to do... stay in the studio.

I've never seen the Osbournes, I've never seen Paris Hilton. I'd rather read than watch reality TV. I'd rather live life than watch somebody else living it.

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