Having pressure is a privilege.

The Astros are going to be a dynasty.

I want to strike out less than 20 times.

The Boston Red Sox, they love to compete.

I wanted to be the Number 1 overall pick.

I want to be the LeBron James of baseball.

I think scoring first is huge in the postseason.

Winning is the only thing that drives all of us.

We're a big community, a big family here in Houston.

I just want to be treated fairly for my performance.

I just think it's part of life: try to be a good teammate.

You can be anybody you want to be as long as you're obsessed.

I like competing. I like going head to head, the best man wins.

I think social media is a great tool if you use it the right way.

That's what makes baseball the best. Nothing matters but winning.

I feel like I'm ready to contribute at the highest level possible.

If there's somebody pushing you, you're going to be more energized.

Being able to compete and try and win games is the coolest feeling.

Just trying to do anything I can to help the team win and that's it.

That's all I'm really concerned about - contribute and try to win games.

When you taste winning the World Series, you want to do that every year.

I went to a really smart school where all the kids go to the Ivy Leagues.

I'm super thankful to the Astros fans and all the fans across the country.

I kind of realized that when I take more pitches I put better swings on them.

I would just like to win. Wherever I need to hit in the lineup, whatever works.

If we keep continuously putting up good at-bats, the next guy will come through.

Really, I think the biggest thing is just playing your game and doing what you do.

I'm just trying to put together good at-bats and do anything I can to help contribute.

Mike Trout. Jose Ramírez. Mookie Betts. All these guys walk, and they swing at strikes.

I'm definitely not satisfied and I always want to do better and learn more and get better.

It doesn't matter if we get a hit, a walk, hit by pitch; just trying to grind out at-bats.

There are a lot of things I want to accomplish in this game. Winning is right there at the top.

It's incredible to be able to make an impact and use the platform that we have in the right way.

This game is a game of failure, and you're going to fail a heck of a lot more than you succeed in it.

This game is very humbling and you have to take it one pitch at a time, one day at a time and compete.

I put my heart and soul into it every single day, to go out there and try and win games for the Astros.

Whether I'm 0-for-10 or 10-for-10, every time I walk to the plate I believe I'm going to hit a missile.

If you get a veteran guy that's getting marginal pitches, you know you're in for a tough night and a battle.

My grandfather was the general counsel for the Washington Senators, and my dad grew up on Ted Williams' lap.

When I look at a season, and it's all said and done, and the thing I look for is, first off, did my team win?

My dad, since I was growing up, has always taught me that I need to keep my mouth shut and just play baseball.

I feel really good in the box when I get an AB in the first inning. I feel like it just starts the day the right way.

At the end of the day, I know I'm a good person, so I'm not worried about anything bad that could happen on the Internet.

I witnessed an MVP firsthand in Jose Altuve. I asked him what he did during the offseason, and he said he trains his core.

In order to be great in this game, you have to be good for a really long time, and to be good, you have to constantly win.

You can't go up there trying to get hits. You can just go up there trying to put together at-bats and square the baseball up.

It was a blast growing up in a house where you have motivating parents, and my mom would always challenge me no matter what it was.

To play meaningful games and try and win a division, a pennant, a World Series, that's what it's all about. That's the thing I'm most proud of.

I can only control what I can control, which is taking care of my business here and working hard every single day, and eventually that time will come.

We all need to realize that there are people out there who may be suffering and we all need to try to do our part to relieve that suffering when we can.

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