Dream big, because dreams do happen.

I never look at the goalkeeper's eyes.

Keep working even when no one is watching.

We're going to be World Champions...forever.

I hate being recognized; I hate it, hate it.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat it: It sucks to lose sometimes.

It's important to accept your body for what God gave you.

I think a goal is a goal and not all my goals are pretty.

I've always wanted to become a professional soccer player.

Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger.

It's so easy to lose your fitness and so hard to gain it back.

There's really no secret to success. You make your own success.

I have experienced sexism multiple times, and I'm sure I will a lot more.

You should never be afraid of looking athletic or building too much muscle.

I want to know I made women's soccer better than it was when I came into it.

Everybody has a talent, but its what you do with that talent to make it great.

I was the biggest tomboy growing up. Now I love playing with a full face of makeup.

I don't run straight at a constant pace; soccer is always a change of pace and movement.

The way I've been brought up to is take critiques and turn them into positives in my game.

It's great to see women standing up in their own line of work and fighting for fair value.

I think players need to get paid for what they're worth, for what they put up on the field.

We went to Austria to train and it was so peaceful. And I love coffee and the coffee was great.

When I prepare for a match, it's like work, even the way I have to shower and put on my makeup.

I feel the most confident when I'm comfortable in workout clothes with my hair up in a ponytail.

Winning and losing isn't everything; sometimes, the journey is just as important as the outcome.

I feel like when there's more on the line and there's more risks, that means there's more reward.

Messi is out of this world. Scoring 86 goals this year... In 2012. What an incredible accomplishment

I would like to win the Ballon d'Or for women. But every top professional should have that ambition.

What I really appreciate is the people who come up and say, 'Thank you for representing our country.'

My favorite goals are the ones when there's so much pressure. I focus more when the game is on the line.

I could always score goals. I loved that feeling of having your team look to you, that feeling of leadership.

Always work hard, never give up, and fight until the end because it's never really over until the whistle blows.

Soccer is what I grew up doing - it's my passion, and I'm way more comfortable on the field in my soccer cleats.

I have done 'Sports Illustrated,' but I don't regret it because it portrayed me in a positive way - as an athlete.

I think it's important to keep things positive. Sometimes you don't win, and that sucks, and you work on improving.

Scoring a goal in a World Cup was my dream as a little girl. I didn't really dream of being in 'Maxim' when I was 5.

I want young girls to dream about being professional soccer players instead of just watching the boys go out and play.

I really like my legs because I've worked hard for them. With soccer, that's the one thing you're working all the time.

I could be a model for one night. But I'm also a professional soccer player, and I like to be taken seriously on the field.

I've been a big Chapstick fan since I was a kid. I love lathering it on. I probably use a bit more Chapstick than necessary.

To force a change, sometimes you need to stand up. You know what you're worth - rather than what your employer is paying you.

I think it's huge, especially in team sports, for players to be able to rely on each other and to really trust in each other.

I'm never just on the couch. Being busy is part of who I am. But it's hard juggling my family, my husband, balancing that time.

I don't think the entire world respects women in sport. But if FIFA start respecting the women's game more, others will follow.

Music is so huge to soccer, to my life, to working out. I usually have headphones when I'm cleaning the house or making dinner.

I feel like you have to use the platform you're given to voice concerns and also to praise things when they need to be praised.

Every time you step onto the field, you have to set goals. My goals are to either score a goal, to have an assist, or to play well.

One thing I'm proud to do like a girl is represent my country in the Olympics and at the highest level, at the highest platform that I can.

It's an obstacle being a girl when you move all over and don't have half the things you need. It's like everything is wrinkled in your life.

I know the trend I would love to bring back is floral. I think that it's just so much fun, whether it's with shoes or outfits or even pants.

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