I'm more of a "let the man come to me" girl.

I get hit on so much it's not normal. I didn't realize so many men liked redheads.

I've always been drawn to playing characters that are a completely the opposite of myself.

Any time a new horror film comes out that looks appealing, I'm always excited to go see it.

I've been a huge horror fan since I was about eight years old, which is a little bit young to be watching scary movies.

I don't watch things like Jeepers Creepers or Final Destination 53 ½. I really like more of the psychological thrillers.

I'm always looking for a chance to play somebody who's completely opposite of me, just because I find it more interesting.

Sometimes you'll be on sets, and people will be fighting and there will be some nasty person that thinks they're the next Brad Pitt.

For the most part, when you're on set, you know everything's fake. You're very aware of the fact that you're shooting a television show.

I love horror movies, so it's a real treat to be able to work on a television show of that genre, and have it actually be really, really good.

When you're working, you have so many people working around you and being involved. It can get a bit overwhelming. I've just gotten used to it.

When you're reading something, your imagination goes and you see it in your mind. Sometimes my instincts with that are right, and sometimes they're wrong.

I'm completely in control of creating my photographs, and I'm not always in complete control of creating a character. It's more of a way to express myself than acting is, by far.

I love True Blood and Buffy, and, obviously, this is one of my favorite jobs that I've ever had - but not just because it's horror, but because the cast is so good and the writing is so great.

I really liked The Children of Corn, believe it or not. And Rosemary's Baby - yeah, exactly. I've always loved it. Any time a new horror film comes out that looks appealing, I'm always excited to go see it.

I love horror movies! I've loved horror movies since I was about eight years old, not that an 8-year-old should be watching The Shining, but I was allowed to, for some reason. Ever since then, I've loved good horror movies.

True Blood and Buffy are both horror-based shows, but I think that they're extremely different from one another. I think it's really cool that I've been able to do True Blood and then this. It's really nice career-wise for me.

As an actor, you always find your way. You have whatever preparation techniques you use, and you just go with the scene when you're on set. You can only plan so much when you're working, because things have to come naturally in the scene.

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