My mom wears a lot of gold.

I like comedies in general.

I'm very into fantasy films.

I get really frightened easily.

I love my rabbit, my family rabbit.

'True Detective' did change my career.

It's odd seeing yourself on screen at all.

It's never a done deal until it's a done deal.

All the money my mom spent on lessons paid off.

My favorite go-to is Topshop. They have great stuff.

My mom is a big scaredy cat, and I inherited that from her.

I try to write my own music. It's a good way of de-stressing.

Every single thing you do, you don't really have expectations.

I didn't expect anything crazy to happen from 'True Detective.'

I was obsessed with Nancy Drew growing up - I couldn't get enough.

Im a combination between extreme insecurity and extreme confidence.

I really like Rag & Bone because they make simple pieces that last.

There are a lot of people who give you their opinions on what to do.

That's a very scary thing to think about, being trapped in a coffin.

I'm a combination between extreme insecurity and extreme confidence.

I love 'House of Cards.' I would watch Kevin Spacey read the phone book.

I think, for different types of things, more rehearsal is very important.

It's cool to be a female character who gets to be really strong and tough.

I've gotten to the point where I've gotten comfortable with my awkwardness.

It made me feel cooler in real life to know I could be The Rock's daughter.

Any time you do a movie there are going to be war wounds that you end up getting.

I'm a huge baby and horror films just terrify me, they're very effective with me.

Any time you do a movie, there are going to be war wounds that you end up getting.

I'm not afraid of falling and getting up the next day with a few bumps and bruises.

I use a lot of sense memory and, well, I can't really avoid getting into character.

I'm really easily affected by horror films. I have pretty strong reactions to them.

I'm a huge fan of Bill Macy, so working with him in any capacity was exciting for me.

I'm honored that people would think of me for any big role that is talked about a lot.

That would make a great Instagram photo - me and David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson.

Finding a stylist is a little like finding a date; you have to find who is right for you.

You take some creative license when you make a movie, and things can be a little bit different.

I love stories about people that, whatever situation they're in, you can relate to them in a way.

I’ve had those relationships, and you have to make those mistakes to find out what we really want.

I feel like it's very important to connect with the people who are passionate about what I'm doing.

I'm just really excited to be doing what I love, and I think that's the best part about all of this.

It's really amazing when you discover how strong you actually are and what you really can accomplish.

I'm a believer in challenging myself and overcoming challenges by doing things I've never done before.

What's the good of Twitter if you can't tweet cute... Twitter's so silly. I tweet about my rabbit a lot.

I never even went to Jekyll & Hyde's restaurant. I loved the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade, though.

'Gremlins' is one of those eternal movies that stands the test of time and that everyone loves and knows.

I think I'm sort of method in a sense, and I enjoy, you know, trying to find that reality in fake emotion.

One thing I got to do that was awesome was hang off the side of this Ferris wheel and do that stunt myself.

When I have no appointments, I spend the day in pajamas and go to the dog park in pajamas. I'm very casual.

Now that I have a dog, I frequently have to take him out and get some exercise, which also gets me exercise.

I got a dog. I take him on hikes, and I go to yoga all the time and drink green juice - very cliche actress.

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