Wait and hope!

Happiness is egotistical.

Haste is a poor counselor

Be kind. Aim for my heart.

I am a count, not a saint.

Pain, thou art not an evil

Nothing succeeds like success.

God is always the last resource.

Order is the key to all problems.

It is only the dead who do not return.

Misfortune does not help us to believe.

Life is very tenacious in these lawyers.

...but my friends call me Edmund Dantes.

Oh! The good times when we were so unhappy.

I am hungry, feed me; I am bored, amuse me.

Woman is sacred; the woman one loves is holy.

All for one, one for all, that is our device.

Love is the most selfish of all the passions.

Women are never so strong as after their defeat.

He's right: They have to put madmen with madmen.

All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.

The merit of all things lies in their difficulty.

On what slender threads do life and fortune hang.

I do not cling to life sufficiently to fear death.

Never fear quarrels, but seek hazardous adventures.

God orders a man to do all he can to save his life.

You scholars, you're in communication with the devil.

Great is truth. Fire cannot burn it nor water drown it.

Business? It's quite simple; it's other people's money.

For all evils there are two remedies - time and silence.

In love, writing is dangerous, not to mention pointless.

Mastery of language affords one remarkable opportunities.

In business, sir, one has no friends, only correspondents.

All human wisdom is summed up in two words; wait and hope.

...remember that what has once been done may be done again.

Ah, lips that say one thing, while the heart thinks another.

There is no friendship that cares about an overheard secret.

All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.

Your bitter memories still have time to turn into sweet ones.

One's work may be finished someday, but one's education never.

Now I'd like someone to tell me there is no drama in real life!

I prefer rogues to imbeciles, because they sometimes take a rest.

Everyone knows that drunkards and lovers have a protecting diety.

So rapid is the flight of our dreams upon the wings of imagination.

I'm sure you're very nice, but you'd be even nicer if you went away.

(...) the tree forsakes not the flower: the flower falls from the tree.

Besides we are men, and after all it is our business to risk our lives.

I prefer the wicked rather than the foolish. The wicked sometimes rest.

The difference between treason and patriotism is only a matter of dates.

True, I have raped history, but it has produced some beautiful offspring.

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