I have this strange notion that clothes should be fun.

I really love my work, so wherever it takes me, I'm happy to be.

I have not seen 'Legally Blonde.' I must be in the small, ever-dwindling minority on that one.

I don't think of myself as a trendy person at all, and if I'm anything, I'm probably contrarian.

I struggle with technology. I think it doesn't like me because I think it knows I don't like it.

I love the Beatles. Now I know I'm a good few decades late on this one, but I've always been behind the curve.

When I was, like, 10, I decided it would look really cool, so I pretended I was British. And I've been doing that ever since.

I think dead humans rising from their graves with little to no sense of who they were in their past lives to mindlessly roam the earth consigning others to the same fate would be a bit depressing.

By the time I was seven, I did a sonnet at Shakespeare's Globe theatre for Shakespeare's birthday because my dad had been at the first season of the Globe and was friends with the artistic director. Somehow, that lead to me doing a sonnet!

Sometimes people are like, 'Hey, you played Dean Thomas!' and I'm like, 'Wow, you actually know!' It kind of shocks me because when I think about movies I love, and if I saw someone who essentially did what I did in Harry Potter, I probably wouldn't recognize them walking down the street.

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