I love having a basement.

I cry at Kodak commercials.

I love every minute of my work.

Nothing is hanging on my walls.

Making music has saved my life.

Oh my God, I love Max von Essen.

I take musical theater seriously.

I'm kind of a double middle child.

I'm a strong follower of hydrotherapy.

I've always been drawn to raw material.

The audience fills me back up, definitely.

It's hard being a Barbie doll all the time.

I'm drawn to raw material and raw emotions.

As a teen, 'Thunder Road' was always in my head.

Leisure time is when I'm not at the Booth Theater.

A likable character isn't one who does nothing wrong.

I love New York City. I really do. I 'heart' New York.

Everyone has some sort of connection to mental illness.

I have learned that music comes in all shapes and sizes.

I didn't see any Broadway till I was in my late twenties.

Sometimes, you find the play; sometimes, the play finds you.

Sometimes you're the only one who thinks you have a good idea.

As long as a tune has the power to move me, I'm a lifelong fan.

You always kind of feel like you're rolling the dice as an actor.

I had to go off by myself to try and discover what my talent really was.

I have a soft spot for vintage movie houses covered in goo; what can I say?

My favourite roller coaster is the Millennium Force at Cedar Point in Ohio.

I grew up in Ohio. I was born in a suburb of Oakland, but I grew up in Ohio.

George Benson's 'This Masquerade' is my favorite version of Leon Russell's blue gem.

I was always a big fan of 'Pippin' and 'Godspell,' even before I heard 'Meadowlark.'

You've got to chop back the performance like a rose bush. That's when it's beautiful.

Part of the frustration of being bipolar is people don't understand what it feels like.

Knowing there is a capable back-up willing to give it a try always makes you feel better.

Chrissie Hynde's from Ohio, and so am I. If there's a Cleveland sound, that's what it is.

There were eleven kids, and we all shared a bathroom. It was enough to drive us all insane.

I think I enjoy Sondheim so much because of the lyrics. The lyrics, the cornucopia of options.

It's heartbreaking to see theater people be forced to accept the business side of show business.

The really good stuff- the 'Hamiltons' - comes out after decades of writing and being committed.

I was in the original cast of 'Sunset Boulevard.' I played Betty. But I wasn't on the cast album.

My Mickey Mouse ears were given to me by a dear friend. They remind me of how I need to be silly.

'Next To Normal' is rock music. It's a rock opera. That, definitely, has a place in popular music.

With a lot of contemporary musicals, the songs are like a calling card: the action stops for them.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an actor in classics like Shaw and Shakespeare and Chekov and Ibsen.

George Hearn taught me that you learn that there are roles that are Tony roles and roles that are not.

I did grow up in a small town. I grew up in a lot of different places. But I consider my home to be Cleveland.

Uzo Aduba over at 'Godspell' is doing an even more entertaining Donald Trump than Donald Trump's Donald Trump.

Norm Lewis, who plays Jake in 'Side Show,' and I had a song together in 'Tommy,' and I understudied Mrs. Walker.

I'm like a prize fighter. When I'm not on stage, every action that I take has to be focused on my next performance.

Tom Kitt aside - he's in his own category with me, of course - Stephen Sondheim is one of my all-time favorite composers.

When it comes to your creative life and what it's going to take, you will do a disservice to everybody if you just dabble.

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