Only the strong survive.

We talkin' bout practice?

We talkin' about practice?

Everybody is their own person.

I'm just a regular 24/7 dad now.

Being an All-Star is everything.

I don't watch college basketball.

I want to play basketball so bad.

Detroit was a bad situation for me.

Not a game, not a game... practice.

When you work hard, good things happen

I wasn't a point guard. I was a killer.

I'm going to always be a Sixer til I die.

I don’t even have money for a cheeseburger!

Life is short. Im gonna be happy with mine.

Personally I just want to win a championship.

I failed, got back up. I failed, got back up.

I'd rather have more heart than talent any day.

I don't put pressure on myself. I just compete.

I surround myself with people who make me laugh.

I would rather win than have good sportsmanship.

I am the MVP and I gotta worry about the trade talk.

It was a blessing just to play one NBA basketball game.

You can hide from the devil, but he'll always find you.

Coach's voice will never leave my head as long as I live.

You can put a murderer in a suit, and hes still a murderer.

How the hell can I make my teammates better by practicing?!

When you are not practicing, someone else is getting better.

Larry Brown molded me into an MVP and a Hall of Fame player.

LeBron ain't got none of my game, but his heart is all mine.

I felt like I was better at football than I am in basketball.

God chose Memphis as the place that I will continue my career.

It was just the greatest feeling to see a kid with your shoes on.

I went through what I went through because God said go through it

I wasn't a bad guy. I just wanted God to give me a second chance.

I went from the projects to a real house. It was a big difference.

The basket looked like an ocean, and I was just throwing rocks in.

Just because you put a guy in a tuxedo doesn't make him a good guy.

I was the bridge between the Michael Jordan era and LeBron James era.

I am sick of defending myself, and I am not going to keep on doing it.

All my tattoos are tattoos that I wanted to get, but I couldn't afford.

I take everything I learned from the streets and put it in my NBA game.

I can't take it back. I can't take anything back. So I don't regret it.

If I'm not getting older and more mature at 31, then something's wrong.

Believe me, I am not even that brave enough to miss that many practices.

I had a lot of growing up to do. A lot of times, I learned the hard way.

I'm not perfect. But I am trying every day to concentrate on being better.

I'm not going to be the same as I was when I've made so many bad mistakes.

Mistakes happen. But after a while you've got to stop making them happen twice.

We should because when coaches get fired, the players have a lot to do with it.

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