I don't need to prove I'm an adult by being ultra-sexy that's immature

You have to be happy with yourself first of all - that's the most important thing.

I'm definitely one of those chicks who want to be in a relationship. I need somebody who can make me laugh and entertain me.

I think that, as an actor, you have to break out eventually, and if you do it properly, it can be something that's positive.

I feel like music and acting are so much my love, and they're so much equal in my eyes. I couldn't really choose between the two.

I have platonic relationships with my guy friends. There's some friends that I've kissed or whatever, but it was always just once.

I love HBO and Showtime, especially Showtime. I'm a huge 'Dexter' fan, and I love 'Weeds.' That would be cool to do a recurring role on a show like that.

You really have to have a voice, especially as a female. You've got to be strong-minded and really focus on what your goal is - you can't be all over the place.

I think it's important to see where compliments are coming from - if they're compliments about your inside, your heart, or if they're about your physicality or your personality.

When I think about old Hollywood and the glamour of those days, women like Grace Kelly, Marilyn Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn were not dressing the way some girls dress today. There was a certain mystery about them, and I feel like that's gone in our industry.

I think you can learn a lot about a guy from the way that he talks to you and the way that he compliments you. If he's complimenting you when you're just walking down the street and it's something completely pure and of the moment, then that's something you can take to heart.

In a serious relationship, I will definitely write music about a guy. I'm totally into mix tapes and I'm all about small little things. I'll drop by their door and just leave a gift or come over if they're sick and make them chicken noodle soup and rent a DVD and play board games. I think those little things mean a lot to someone.

I know for a fact that if I could do only music, I'd be out of my mind, insane. I'd be stressed-out; there's so much work. I mean, you work constantly; there are no breaks, really. If you're not promoting a record, you're making one. If you're not making one, you're touring. If you're not touring, you're doing photo shoots and prep work.

I'd rather be the half of us, the least of you, the best of me; and I will be - I'll be your prince, I'll be your saint, I will go crashing through fences in your name; I will, I swear - I'll be someone to fall back on. I'll be the one who waits, and for as long as you let me, I will be the one you need - I'll be someone to fall back on.

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