All I've ever needed is myself.

Injustice can never be stood for.

Modern cars I don't like so much.

I'm a huge Hunter S. Thompson fan.

I have a fiercely independent spirit.

I've got a soft spot for true individuals.

If you want to do something, you find a way.

I was raised by my father; I was daddy's girl.

I'm a good shot and I love guns - I own several.

I am just like any other girl, a sucker for romance.

I went to a Catholic school but did not really fit in.

I buy records - vinyl. I have a record player at home.

I've been around responsible gun ownership my whole life.

I'm strong. I'm smart. I'm not a victim,' to my detriment.

I'm fighting for the right to get married. For other people.

I would never imagine a mate based on a certain sex or race.

You can't respect yourself if you're afraid to be who you are.

I'm pretty confusing. But I do have an oil rig in my back yard.

I love my horror films and they will always be very close to me.

I come from a place where I find it hard to identify with a label.

I'm looking to find good stories, not big commercial pieces of work.

I have been in my fair share of both onscreen and off screen fights.

It requires bravery to do something no one else around you is doing.

I grew up just outside of Austin, and my upbringing was fairly rural.

I'm keeping an open mind as always, because that's what you have to do.

You feel better when you're eating food that retains nutritional value.

Every pound for a woman in the real world is seven pounds for an actress.

I've always been a private person and I've always valued my private life.

I've always been a private person, and I've always valued my private life.

It's rare to have even half-meaningful conversations in the film industry.

Everybody enjoys when a woman is her own character in a movie or otherwise.

When I run on the beach, it's always in slow motion. That's just how I roll.

I can sit in front of the TV and watch an old romantic film and be transfixed.

I think my mother realized she had a somewhat unusual daughter pretty early on.

I am a rebel, and I relate to the rebel spirit in Chenault [from the Rhum Dairy].

I get tickets all the time and can't stay under the speed limit. I'm bad at that.

Models are just mannequins seeking validation at the hands of sleazy fashion people.

It's my job in Hollywood to find roles where I get to be a character not a bathing suit.

I take the sexy girl parts and try to give them something else and make them a character.

I don't label myself one way or another. I love who I love; it's the person that matters.

Once you start working out, you feel better and it becomes something you make time to do.

What I really love about the Playboy bunny outfit, is it's all about a woman's silhouette.

Trying to film a movie on a diet is hard enough, I can't imagine how it would be on drugs.

Even though I don't believe in God, I feel strangely compelled to fight the atheist label.

I always felt like an outcast at school. I had good friends, but none that I truly related to.

I've always lived my life the way I wanted and been honest with myself and everyone around me.

When I go into making a movie, personally, I don't try to bring other pieces of movies with me.

When only one or two percent of filmmakers are female, you can't help but have some kind of bias.

For the most part I pick movies based on the merit of the script, and the merit of the script only.

We all appreciated a certain aesthetic, and with that appreciation came a certain stylized presence.

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