I'm a huge fan of Nawazuddin.

Who wouldn't want to date Salman?

I would say Nawaz is my lucky charm.

My favourite thing to wear is a saree.

I feel more comfortable in saris than gowns.

It is my job to step into different characters.

At home, I'm just Amy, but in India, I get mobbed.

Acting is my passion, but I like hosting shows, too.

Hindi is far easier a language to pick up than Tamil.

Bombay is different to Liverpool, or anywhere, really.

I love being in Mumbai and want to continue being here.

I think definitely 'Robot 2' is a milestone in my career.

I am all for healthy living and maintaining a fit lifestyle.

If people enjoy your movies, that's the most important thing.

I've got Indian looks, but there is nothing in my background.

The hardest thing for me was leaving my friends and family behind.

I am open to any good script and the character I can do justice to.

When I'm not shooting, I like to spend time with friends and family.

As a performer, I want to push my boundaries and try different roles.

I get treated like a princess in India. It is like a different world.

I had so much fun working with Akshay, especially in the action scenes.

It is ridiculous - like a mad whirlwind... it's mad that I'm so famous.

'2.0' is an entirely new thing in Indian cinema, a movie to watch out for.

My mum is really fair and has blonde hair, and my dad is not dark, either.

My Hindi is OK. I think I am better with Tamil. I remember the Tamil words.

Learning Indian mannerisms, how to wear saris, and the language were a challenge.

If my role in a film is meaty, and I get a good song along with it, then why not?

I am very conscious about picking my roles and make sure that they are different.

Thanks to having my dad travel with me, I don't feel quite cut off from my family.

I look forward to Pond's products to deliver better skincare for girls everywhere.

I love my pets, and I'm a big animal lover. I also enjoy the nature and countryside.

If you look from my point of view, that's what Christians strive for - love from God.

I was once so terrified of acting that I used to pretend I was ill to get out of drama.

I think, whenever you're in the public eye, you're never going to be loved by everybody.

I used to dress up in my older sister Alisia's clothes and thought modelling would be fun.

I'm getting good exposure because of the movies I'm picking and the people I'm working with.

I loved having Indian take-aways on a Friday night in Liverpool, but it's so different in the real India.

Now that I've moved to Mumbai, I should perhaps get a horse. It'll be a nice escape from my everyday life.

When 'I' released, I gave a couple of interviews in which I expressed my interest to play an action heroine.

Pond's is a name that everyone is familiar with, and I know that I can trust them when it comes to skincare.

Like most girls, I suffered from pimples, too. I tried dozens of treatments but was never satisfied with any.

I was so shy, I couldn't stand up in front of people and speak. Now I'm in the next big three Bollywood movies.

My dad did a radio show. I was on it when I was seven. So now you know that the showbiz bug bit me really early.

I am a Christian, and since the age of five I have been singing... chanting hymns containing the word 'Hosanna.'

I started with Tamil film, then Hindi. Now, I am also doing a Telugu film. The journey has been wonderful so far.

For me, as an actress, you are playing a character, and to play that character, you have to get into that mindset.

Bollywood is very structured and organised, but Kollywood and Tollywood can be quite spontaneous, and I enjoy that.

I can't believe all this is happening to me, but I am definitely here to stay. And I am happy to be in Indian cinema.

I love art and finding different bits and bobs for the apartment; so, I'm adding all my personal touches to the house.

I have become like a rhinoceros - thick-skinned - all the gossip about my numerous affairs does not bother me anymore.

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