I hate auditions.

Sexiness comes with maturity.

Angry people are not beautiful.

I loved dancing as a young girl.

I'm not aiming for an Academy Award.

I've always been a very active person.

I'm actually a pretty clean-cut person.

Diane Keaton was a big role model for me.

I need some downtime before I go to sleep.

I don't think that youth should be glorified.

I was a hard rocker when I was in high school.

I try really hard not to be attached to success.

Someday, I'll make a movie with a British accent.

I think sometimes we seem to obsess on negativity.

I eat an enormous amount of fruits and vegetables.

I tried to do things independently with each child.

Everybody needs to laugh and have fun and feel good.

My goal is to do cartwheels for the rest of my life.

I've had a great experience in the fashion business.

Not many college students know what they want to do.

Pregnancy changed my body; it changed the way I walk.

Being a model, you know, it's a short-lived vocation.

I like what L'Oreal stands for, which is women of worth.

My favourite thing is to be somebody else, no longer be me.

Who's to say I can't find some great work when I'm 55 or 65?

I was six when my parents divorced, and that was tough for me.

I don't know that anyone comes from a truly functional family.

Dancers work really hard, they don't make any money. It's hard.

There is a comfortable feeling in small towns. It is salubrious.

I love learning, and I think that curiosity is a wonderful gift.

I think hidden underneath a lot of teachers are very sexy women.

North Carolina has been so great because nobody asks me about work.

I always say that kindness is the greatest beauty that you can have.

Where I live, the majority of men are married to women their own age.

Talking to your hairdresser is almost like talking to your therapist.

I love the idea of living a life that is completely humble and quiet.

If you carry around anger and ugly emotions it will show on your face.

Women who make the choice to have grey hair - I think that's beautiful.

During my teen years, I was real emotional. I could be really up or down.

During Katherine Hepburn's time when she was just coming into her own at 40.

Like anybody, you have moments when you question yourself and you're insecure.

It's interesting now; with social media, you are actually interacting with fans.

It's so funny to get a call from Dustin Hoffman because he has that great voice.

Looking back, I realise I had to grow up and be responsible at a very tender age.

I like being a part of something. I like participating and being part of a group.

I remember when Meryl Streep did an ad for American Express, the press harassed her.

I did three movies in a row, and that was horrible. It was a horrible experience for me.

We don't need any more reality TV, women yelling at each other. I can't watch that stuff.

You've got to take the hems down, especially past 50. I don't care how good your legs are.

I'm an artist, but, as I get older, I really want to do philanthropic work and help people.

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