Love has no boundaries.

It's good to be noticed.

My first passion is politics.

When I'm nervous, I can't eat or sleep.

I do have to thank my mother for my eyebrows.

I usually go with the 'less is more' approach.

Most female models don't have any muscle mass.

Weirdly enough, I'm a macroeconomics enthusiast.

When I was 12, I thought I wanted to be a witch.

I love Amanda Lear, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sharon Stone.

Makeup contracts are the Oscars of the modeling world.

I want to be the most eligible bachelor in New York City.

I identify as a woman first, but I am also proudly trans.

People would be surprised by me if they knew I was humble.

Being a bride for Gaultier was a very special moment for me.

I wanted to be a good kid, and I wanted to please my parents.

It just so happens that some of the things I like are feminine.

My whole life is controversy. What can I do? I'm like Britney Spears!

I was born a girl; it just took me a little while to become one fully.

I'm comfortable in my skin, and for my look to be celebrated is great.

With fashion, it's all about timing and holding out for the right thing.

If I wasn't modeling, I'd be studying economics or international politics.

I am 6 foot 2 inches, and one of the benefits of that is having long legs.

I want to see creativity that breaks boundaries and isn't just about money.

I guess professionally I've left my gender open to artistic interpretation.

Mum's very proud. She finds every picture of me and has them on every wall.

I didn't know if I could have a career in fashion; I didn't fit in an obvious box.

I've given up trying to convince the world about the authenticity of my femininity.

I've definitely had my struggles with the male species, as I'm sure most girls have.

I take biotin and silica for my hair to grow faster, but it's good for your skin, too.

The beauty of my journey is that it's always been pretty unpredictable, so stay tuned.

All human beings deserve equal treatment, no matter their gender identity or sexuality.

I achieved my personal dream and completed my transition to be able to live life as a woman.

The Internet gave me the sense that there were words to describe my feelings and medical terms.

Don't do things just to impress others or just because you're scared you won't have any friends.

I find myself to be quite sarcastic, and I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't get that.

Stepping outside of my personal bubble, or that of fashion or beauty, is pretty important to me.

Gender dysphoria is never an easy thing to live with, mainly because people don't understand it.

If you live your life on your own terms, you might find that people actually give you more respect.

I'm not a big fan of identity politics and sort of picking one thing and defining yourself with it.

I love costume jewelry, the stuff Givenchy/Riccardo Tisci do, and old school rock n' roll jewelry, too.

I like to dress up but I'm not so concerned with looking very sexy, it's really more the art of dressing.

There are so many male models who are working in high fashion, and they are broke. It's good to be a woman.

Women are not baby machines. There's a lot more to being a woman, so reducing them to that is quite disgusting.

I came out to my mom at the age of 14. She didn't understand it at first, but she's been very supportive since.

I would love to bring my mum to see me in shows and travel Europe with me because she has done so, so much for me.

The best songs/films/collections expose truths about life and make them universally accessible; they progress humanity.

I was prom queen, and the year before, I was prom king. It was kind of the same; you just got a differently shaped crown.

When I'm sitting in a casting room in Paris, I'm not the thinnest model. Sometimes I'm not the most flat-chested, either.

I would go through my mother's makeup kit, and I think she thought it was really cute. I was only three or four years old.

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