The essence of health is inner balance.

Our feet are our body's connection to the earth.

Most disease is lifestyle related and preventable

You've got to experiment to figure out what works.

Happiness is a skill. It requires effort and time.

Improper breathing is a common cause of ill health.

It is unrealistic to want to be happy all the time.

I fully support a national health care program for the U.S.

Treatment originates outside you; healing comes from within.

It's rare - too rare, I have to say - for botanists to become doctors.

In my view, the best gift is one that benefits both the receiver and the planet.

The ways that my dogs can make me - and my visitors - happy constantly amazes me.

Meditation while walking has a long, noble history in ancient spiritual disciplines.

Conscious breath control is a useful tool for achieving a relaxed, clear state of mind.

Genuine happiness comes from within, and often it comes in spontaneous feelings of joy.

Healing is making whole, restoring a state of perfection and balance that has been lost.

Get people back into the kitchen and combat the trend toward processed food and fast food.

Learning to focus attention and concentration is very useful; meditation can help you do that.

One of the most obvious ways dogs can improve our physical and mental health is via daily walks.

Just the attempt to learn a [new] language is like running different software through the brain.

Many exercise forms - aerobic, yoga, weights, walking and more - have been shown to benefit mood.

Even low-calorie diets and vigorous exercise fail to work in the long term for at least some people.

I've always been called "controversial." I think if I were not controversial I wouldn't be doing my job.

Most American diets, even bad ones, provide more than enough calcium for bone health, especially for men.

The best way to detoxify is to stop putting toxic things into the body and depend upon it's own mechanisms.

Pay attention to your body. The point is everybody is different. You have to figure out what works for you.

I'm not against high-tech medicine. It has a secure place in the diagnosis and treatment of serious disease.

The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in treating mild to moderate depression.

There's no single more powerful or simpler daily practice to further your health and well being than breath work.

Human beings have survived for millennia because most of us make good decisions about our health most of the time.

We're all affected by music. It has the power to inspire, uplift us, change our moods, and even alter consciousness.

As an undergraduate at Harvard in the 1960s, I was fascinated by my visits to psychologist B.F. Skinner's laboratory.

We have known for many years that we need vitamin D to facilitate calcium absorption and promote bone mineralization.

The more easily digestible and refined the carbohydrates, the greater the effect on our health, weight and well-being.

If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly.

Imagine that each time you inhale, that the universe is breathing into you, and as you exhale it is breathing out of you.

The notion that a human being should be constantly happy is a uniquely modern, uniquely American, uniquely destructive idea.

I don't get money from the vitamins that I make. My after tax profits go to a foundation that supports integrative medicine.

Dietary fat, whether saturated or not, is not a cause of obesity, heart disease or any other chronic disease of civilization.

Health is wholeness and balance, an inner resilience that allows you to meet the demands of living without being overwhelmed.

I expect that essential oils may some day prove a vital weapon in the fight against strains of antibiotic-resi stant bacteria.

If we can make the correct diagnosis, the healing can begin. If we can't, both our personal health and our economy are doomed.

Fear and greed are potent motivators. When both of these forces push in the same direction, virtually no human being can resist.

For many in the modern world, carving out time for both traditional seated meditation and exercise has become close to impossible.

If at the first sign of infection, you always jump in with antibiotics, you do not give the immune system a chance to grow stronger.

By keeping my hand in that, it's the way I keep learning. The main way you learn in medicine is by practicing and working with patients.

Please keep in mind the distinction between healing and treatment: treatment originates from outside, whereas healing comes from within.

It is more important to eat some carbohydrates at breakfast, because the brain needs fuel right away, and carbohydrate is the best source.

American businesses are struggling to pay outrageous, exploitive insurance bills for their employees, hampering our ability to compete globally.

I know of no culture in the world at present or any time in the past that has not been heavily involved with one or more psychoactive substances.

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