People do not plan to mess up their lives. They just don't plan not to.

If you don't clarify your goal, you'll never identify the best approach.

Peace is a fruit of the Spirit, not the byproduct of accumulated wealth.

If we start to dumb down what has been made clear, where does that stop?

It isn't about who is 'for' or 'against' you, it's about who you are for.

Nobody at home should feel like they are competing with somebody at work.

Uncertainty in a leader is always magnified in the heart of the follower.

I can go further and faster with someone coaching me than I can on my own.

Grace is inviting to the unrighteous and threatening to the self-righteous

Good excuses rarely collect dust. We use them, and use them, and use them.

If you are a local church or non-profit, you live and die with volunteers.

My kids think you are always supposed to be in a small group and lead one.

When you harness your leadership skill to your broken heart change happens.

Jesus healed people one at a time because God cares about individual people.

There is no cramming for a test of character. It always comes as a pop quiz.

A single act of courage is often the tipping point for extraordinary change.

Stop looking for solutions to problems and start looking for the right path.

Preacher's kids need another consistent voice in their lives over the years.

Many years from now, what would you like people to line up and thank you for?

Grace is not reserved for good people; grace underscores the goodness of God.

Money comes, money goes. But your story stays with you the rest of your life.

As your organizational authority increases, your organizational IQ decreases.

God is a God of systems and predictability and order, and God honors planning.

How you live your life on this side of the grave determines what happens next.

Your greatest accomplishment may not be something you do but someone you raise.

You can't resist the will of God and receive the grace of God at the same time.

No matter how rich or poor you might feel, right now is the time to be generous.

Uncertainty is a permanent part of the leadership landscape. It never goes away.

If you're the only hot dog stand in town, you're hot dogs don't have to be good.

God doesn’t want to take your money. He just doesn’t want your money to take you.

It is when our hearts are stirred that we become most aware of what they contain.

Every local church has a leader but it seems so few local churches are being led.

You have no idea the numbers of people that God may want to influence through you

This is why we give up on things that break our heart because it requires change.

Without courage we will simply accumulate a collection of good ideas and regrets.

Maintaining peace with God is more important than keeping pace with someone else.

The starting block for people who are going to stay in love is mutual submission.

The goal of leadership is not to eradicate uncertainty but rather to navigate it.

Being a sinner does not disqualify you from following Jesus. It's a prerequisite.

T-shirts create a sense of "We". Food says, "We don't mind spending money on you."

We don't drift into good directions. We discipline and prioritize ourselves there.

Praying for revival equates to blaming God for the condition of your local church.

Spiritual maturity is measured in terms of persevering faith, not perfect behavior

Vision is a mental picture of what could be, fueled by a passion that it should be.

If you capture someone's heart, you will eventually get his hands and feet as well.

Success is an intoxicant, and intoxicated people seldom have a firm grasp on reality.

Most of us are married to a model of ministry and we flirt with the Great Commission.

We're so absorbed in the effort to get rich, we no longer recognize when we are rich.

Actions don't only speak louder than words; actions should be used to interpret words.

If you don't conquer your fear, you are going to miss out on some great things in life.

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