My sister is a nurse and saves people's lives.

My sister is a nurse and saves people's lives.

My sister is strong.

My sister's a bully.

India is my kid sister.

Sisterhood is powerful.

My sister keeps me grounded.

My sister's an actor as well.

My siblings are my best friends.

I'm insanely close to my sister.

Got your mama and sister dabbing.

Fidelity is the sister of justice.

I think I am a pretty good sister.

Freedom and Justice are twin sisters.

Twin-sister of Religion, Selfishness.

A ministering angel shall my sister be.

Everybody has fights with their sister.

Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

There's no better friend than a sister.

I'm the oldest and I've got two sisters.

I do have a sister - I have two sisters.

I was the little sister that was annoying.

My sister Gloria asked me to try modeling.

And my little sister died when she was 16.

You can kid the world, but not your sister.

Sisters make the best friends in the world.

I have two older sisters; I'm the youngest.

My sisters are my favorite people on earth.

Foolishness is indeed the sister of wickedness.

I consider my mom and all my sisters my friends.

My sister Tala has twins, and they're wonderful.

Elder sisters never can do younger ones justice!

A sister is both your mirror - and your opposite.

My parents worked very hard for me and my sister.

My major influence was my ten years older sister.

My sister sometimes does a Todd Barry tribute act.

I didn't have a teacher like Sister Mary Ignatius.

My sister has been there for me through everything.

Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.

Ignore reality, there's nothing you can do about it.

You nine daughters of Jupiter, sisters of one heart.

Ah, bless you, Sister, may all your sons be bishops.

My father's sister never married in order to raise me.

My sister is an ER doctor, and my brother is a teacher.

Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow.

My two elder sisters married Englishmen and went abroad.

I was an only child; I didn't have a sister, or sisters.

You can't tell a 6-year-old your sister is going to die.

Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer.

I dream of playing Lady Cora's sister on 'Downton Abbey.'

My sister was always very motherly, babysitting and stuff.

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