I prefer intellect and charm.

Good looks only take you so far.

I work out, I play sports, I go to concerts.

I prefer intellect and charm. Good looks only take you so far.

For the most part, I do not go out all that often, so it varies.

My mother took my picture to a model agency and the rest is history.

One of my favorite things to do is be in front of the camera and act.

Rock 'n' roll but I also like sporting events a lot. I love Mike Piazza.

Rock 'n' roll... but I also like sporting events a lot. I love Mike Piazza.

Good looks only take you so far. You don't have to be the best looking guy.

I think [the spotlight] is a lonely place to be. Everybodys wanting something from you, pulling at you.

Every day of my life, I feel fat. It's not correct thinking in the natural, normal human being's way of life.

Being from the Midwest, I would say that I like that East Coast mentality, it's more direct. What you see is what you get.

It's been a hard time to celebrate, to come out with a smile. But I'm an American. Naomi asked me to come out to support other Americans, and here I am.

I was at a U2 concert and someone asked me if my hair color was real... I thought to myself, if I had $1 for every time someone asked me this, I would be very rich.

[Marla, Shar and I] all have had very public breakups, so I think people know they can relate with us in one way or another. And this is one of the few reality shows where they didn't have the cameras right in people's faces. Like when we were sitting around the table talking with the divorced people, the cameras were way back. And we just listened. Sometimes people just need an ear.

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