I don't do anything to be lovable. I have no control.

All of us wish we had an Alice. I wish I had an Alice.

Tell the negative committee that meets inside your head to sit down and shut up.

I basically don't do that well with children, although my sister says I'm a great aunt.

I think I'm lovable. That's the gift God gave me. I don't do anything to be lovable. I have no control.

For most people, I'm just Alice. But I don't mind. Now, if I were Alice the ax murderer, then I'd hate it.

I'm convinced we all have a God-shaped space in us, and until we fill that space with God, we'll never know what it is to be whole.

I did a couple of pilots that didn't sell, a few movies, and one year of nightclub work, which I hated. Then I did the pilot of 'The Brady Bunch' and never had to do another nightclub.

Somebody said, 'Get your agent to call the new Bob Cummings show. They're looking for a funny lady.' Within three hours, I had the job. That was January 1955. I had such fun with that show.

I was born again. It happens to Episcopalians. Sometimes it doesn't hit you till you're 47 years old. It changed my whole life for the better... I spent a lot of time giving Christian witness all over the country to church groups and stuff.

My mother would write letters when I was away at camp and say, 'There's an Ann-shaped space around the house. Nobody fills an Ann-shaped space except an Ann.' I'm convinced we all have a God-shaped space in us, and until we fill that space with God, we'll never know what it is to be whole.

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