Learn to write by writing

I am a totally public person.

I'm very comfortable writing.

Everybody believes in chance.

I'd like to read all of Proust.

Fiction is always really a labor.

Everyone knows everything eventually.

I will write my way into another life.

Nonfiction is easy and fiction is hard.

That's important to me, to recommend books.

I don't want to stand with somebody's praise.

Love is a rebellious bird that no one can tame

My father was a police officer in Los Angeles.

My favorite thing about Nashville is the parks.

You are always someones favorite unfolding story

One must not be shy where language is concerned.

You should not have assault rifles in your home.

You can't be a jerk in order to be a good writer.

Keeping people safe is a story we tell ourselves.

I think I would probably have been a good mother.

Love was action. It came to you. It was not a choice.

You can't spend your whole life in front of a screen.

The quality of gifts depends on the sincerity of the giver.

It's always better to have too much to read than not enough.

I wanted to eat her pain, take it into me and make it my own.

The love between humans is the thing that nails us to the earth.

If I had problems, I kept them to myself. I didn't make a scene.

Happiness compresses time, makes it dense and bright, pocketsized.

I go through long periods of time when I don't write, and I'm fine.

Home, bed, sleep, mother--who knew more beautiful words than these?

She sang as if she was saving the life of every person in the room.

When I wrote nonfiction, my best work was the really personal stuff.

I always used to be an inside person, and now I'm an outside person.

My novels are very much the same, as I think many people's novels are.

Anytime you write about priests or cops, they're hot-button professions.

It's easier to love a woman when you can't understand a word she's saying.

Using your imagination is the one time in life you can really go anywhere.

No one should have to go back to the place where she had once been a girl.

You can't say, "I'm too busy writing to be political." You are one person.

I made a startling discovery. Time spent writing = output of work. Amazing.

I read books I hate all the time, and I don't mention them or talk about them.

My writing process has changed because it's harder to find uninterrupted time.

Seeing images of violence - it's always about how somebody's going to kill you.

I'm disappointed by well-written novels that only deal with two or three people.

Guns are dangerous and damaging even when no one gets shot. They really do loom.

That's the way I work. I get it all plotted in my mind, and then I write it down.

I know that there are people out there who believe we should get rid of all guns.

I am not mature enough as a reader to enjoy a book in which I hate all the people.

Sometimes if there's a book you really want to read, you have to write it yourself.

I was always on time, I did my work to exact specifications, I spoke when spoken to.

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