I was naturally opinionated.

I just want my party back, please.

I shall be true to what I believe.

I do object to being called a Nazi.

It's disgusting eating over a keyboard.

I want a credible, strong Labour Party.

You have to be true to what you believe in.

I don't hate anybody. I dislike people's politics.

If we have Brexit, we don't know what we will get.

I am proud of my loyalty to my party and my country.

I've noticed that every public health minister has been a woman.

How can we have 'freer' free trade? Let's get real, for God's sake.

I'd like to apologise to the British people for the state our politics is in.

I didn't go into politics to tell people how much salt to put on their chips.

The greatest betrayal of the liberal left in this country is by the Labour party.

If we had a vote in parliament, the majority of MPs would not vote for a hard Brexit.

I've been around the block. And I have had the privilege of having been a senior Minister.

Not everybody who is overweight comes from deprived backgrounds, but that's where the propensity lies.

We need somebody with a proven track record of competence, leadership and what you see is what you get.

The Tory party must learn from its own history that when we fight each other, you can guarantee to lose.

People do not use foul language in the House of Commons chamber. They just don't do it, and I don't, either.

There are houses where they don't any longer have dining tables. They will sit in front of the telly and eat.

The E.U. Referendum clearly divided us, and little has been done by those that lead us to bring us back together.

Our aerospace industry is a British success story which relies on Airbus - a collaboration with other E.U. countries.

The Labour party is a lost cause for anybody who is moderate and sensible and believes in that left-of-centre view of life.

Few Conservatives MPs have taken any pleasure from the witch-hunt against moderate Labour MPs by the hard-Left Momentum group.

When I was at school, you could tell the demography of children by how thin they were. You could see by looking at their eyes.

Students from other E.U. countries are worth billions to our economy and help drive it through their hard work and innovation.

Jacob Rees-Mogg gets his tummy tickled when the ERG threatens to vote against a government bill unless it is amended on policy.

I am simply not prepared to stand back and watch my country fall off a cliff edge. If that means voting against my party, so be it.

We are leaving the E.U. I accept that. But I made a decision I was never again going to vote against my conscience, and that stands.

I think it's ridiculous and appalling that people have to go abroad to end their life instead of being able to end their life at home.

Through argument and example, we must show that Corbyn's hard left socialism will destroy business - the engine at the heart of our economy.

We are lucky to have a free press. But in some parts of it, you have to search hard to find items concerning any negative aspects to Brexit.

The only person I think I actually do dislike is John McDonnell. I actually do think he's a nasty piece of work because he's an IRA apologist.

It's thriving, responsibly regulated business that does the research and development to provide the tools as well as the means to a better country.

Nobody voted to be poorer, and nobody voted leave on the basis that somebody with a gold-plated pension and inherited wealth would take their jobs away from them.

Any soldier deployed overseas will think fondly of home. It is only right and fair that they are able to settle back into a home life once they leave their service.

If it comes to it, I am not going to stay in a party which has been taken over by the likes of Jacob Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson. They are not proper Conservatives.

Decent, hard-working Labour MPs have been targeted by Corbyn fanatics in an attempt to purge the party of anyone who doesn't support their narrow, divisive ideology.

We need to wake up to the reality of what migration is about. They come here to work. The idea that they take British jobs is not true; they add huge value to our economy.

For all the brave talk of Brexiteers that the E.U. needs us more than we need them, the reality is that they hold all the cards, and they are going to punish us for leaving.

There is a sense of resignation among most people who voted Remain that we have to 'man up' - even the women among us - and make the most of what we know will be a rotten Brexit.

There's a way that we can deliver a Brexit that works for our country, and the really interesting thing is the amount of Tory MPs working with Labour MPs, forming that consensus.

I'm not serving in the same party as Boris Johnson. He's proved that he's incapable of holding high office, never mind being prime minister. He's not true to what he believes in.

Brexit is a self-inflicted wound; the people of this country hold the knife, and they don't have to use it if they don't want to. The people, not the hardline Brexiteers, are in charge.

It is very easy for middle-class people who come from moneyed backgrounds not to understand what it's like for people when they first go down to the dole office because they've lost their jobs.

Most people are fed up to the back teeth with the never-ending wrangle over Brexit. All they want is for a competent government to get on with it and deliver a great deal for everyone in the U.K.

We should absolutely train up U.K. workers - but it takes time to do that. And the reality is that there are a lot of E.U. workers that come here to do jobs that British-born workers will not do.

People will meet me and say, 'You're not really a Tory.' And I'll say I've been a Tory all my life - my politics have hardly changed. It is about making a society that is just and kinder to people.

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