Imperfection is fine.

One wants to be surprised.

I've never worn a hoodie before!

I don’t like people who are late.

There's always a way to wear fur.

Fashion is a reflection of the time.

To be in Vogue has to mean something

You either know fashion or you don't.

I love coming in and changing magazines.

Some people have the Bible. I have Vogue.

I don't think of myself as a powerful person.

We have to reflect the world that we live in.

One should look forward rather than backwards.

Tears? Are you going for a Barbara Walters moment?

The best way to make dream come true is to wake up.

Well it just looks so ugly. Is it a boy or is it a girl?

I've never taken a selfie and I don't plan to start now.

They (fashion editors) have always been our secret weapon.

There's no point about whining or complaining or screaming.

People respond well to those that are sure of what they want.

It's the mishaps that make it fun, and brings you the surprise.

I'm horribly hands-on, I'm afraid. I like to read every caption.

If you can't be better than your competition, just dress better.

I have learned that documentary makers are incredibly sneaky people.

The young people we hire today at Conde Nast are fearless polymaths.

Fashion's not about looking back. It's always about looking forward.

There is something about fashion that can make people really nervous.

'Vogue' is a fashion magazine, and a fashion magazine is about change.

The elitist way of looking on the runway, frankly, seems old fashioned.

If my style is too direct for some, maybe they should toughen up a bit.

I went to Wimbledon before I could walk. It's just been a lifelong passion.

To me, fashion is ceaselessly fascinating because it is an expression of self.

Gisele Bundchen is a bit of a jock. 1 of my fave shoots is her playing football

To be in 'Vogue' has to mean something. It's an endorsement. It's a validation.

Those who want things always to stay the same are not living in the real world.

I don't really follow market research. In the end, I respond to my own instincts.

The notion that Anna would want something done "now" and not "shortly" is accurate.

I don't believe in wasting anybody's time. I like to be honest. I like to be clear.

Even if you aren't sure of yourself, pretend that you are... most people prevaricate.

It would be ridiculous to ignore the speed and possibilities of the digital landscape.

The beauty of what Apple does at Apple is that they're not on trend; they are classic.

Learning how to be editor-in-chief of 'Vogue' wasn't something that happened overnight.

Fashion is not beautiful, neither is it ugly. Why should it be either? Fashion is fashion.

I think it would be incredible for this country if we could have our first woman president.

The gossip might make better reading, but the simple fact of the matter is that it isn't true.

Western design houses have been exploring China in terms of investment for well over a decade.

Fashion goes in only one direction -forward- and I am a firm believer in thinking that way too.

For us, creativity means thinking about the lives of our audience and how to connect with them.

I wasn't academically successful. And maybe I've spent a lot of my career trying to make up for that.

Even if I'm completely unsure, I'll pretend I know exactly what I'm talking about and make a decision.

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