I love being busy.

I'm nervous before all shows.

I want my tattoos to be a story of my life.

I feel at home wherever I am, to be honest.

It's hard to put someone in the friend zone.

I love musical theatre. It's a passion of mine.

I would be a very different person without karate.

My aim is to just make people feel good and happy.

I used to take life so seriously; I got so stressed.

I love seeing people collaborate to make great music!

I actually have been really influenced by dance music.

I'm speechless! I am so happy to have won MTV Brand New!

It's so important that we all speak up on mental health.

'Alarm' and 'Ciao Adios' are about the same person, yeah.

If I didn't do music, I would do something to help people out.

I've always been the kid to want to do anything and everything.

I know firsthand how long it takes to learn how to love yourself.

Alanis Morissette - I think she's one of my biggest inspirations.

I love doing my own thing, and I won't let anything get in my way.

I think realising that you're individual and unique is really amazing.

I don't want to have to look good all the time - that's not realistic.

Oh, God. Mate, I've written about 800 songs, and that's no exaggeration!

I've written a lot of songs from watching women speak about women empowerment.

I used to get so many nasty comments when I cut my hair short, and it upset me.

I'd love to work with Kendrick, Frank Ocean, The Internet, or Alanis Morisette!

I was always quite outspoken as a teenager and quite cheeky in school and stuff.

Whenever I start something, I will always do everything I can to be the best at it.

When you get knocked down, you got to get backup. Otherwise, you are going to lose.

I've got 'trust' tattooed on me, and I have a tattoo on my finger that's for my parents.

My music is constantly changing because I am. I'm writing it and changing as I'm writing.

I always try and make the strongest ginger tea with manuka honey to keep my voice in shape.

When I was growing up, I was surrounded by people that were listening to a lot of pop music.

I think, all my life, I've grown up and had high expectations, but that becomes so stressful.

It feels so good to be amongst some of the biggest legends in music - it feels quite surreal.

It's very important for females to feel empowered. It took me a long time to find that inside me.

For me, speaking my mind is a big part of my life, and I encourage other people to do that as well.

More people know who I am, but I don't feel any different within myself - I think that's the main thing.

I'm so proud of my time in karate and what I achieved. It's part of me, so I don't want to leave it behind.

I've tried yoga a few times and absolutely love it. I need to do it more. It makes me feel really good and relaxed.

I love braids and just generally playing around with different hairstyles, especially for festivals and photoshoots.

I think Rudimental was a massive part of my life and such a great place and people and learning curve to be a part of.

I honestly always really try to get people to share their feelings. I always say to everyone that communication is key.

When I write songs, I'm just writing stories, and being in musical theatre taught me how to act them out through singing.

It feels amazing to be on the MTV Brand New list. I was shocked when I got told - a good shocked. I'm proper happy about it.

I don't think I could write about something I've never experienced or felt; all my songs are about things I've been through.

I've had to learn not to read all the bad comments, or if you do, try and not take it into your soul, body, brain, and heart.

I was doing musical theatre 'til I was, like, 17, and then I started realising I could use my voice in a more, like, current way.

People never believe it when they find out I'm a karate world champion. They don't see me as the type because I'm small and blonde.

I love that my music is connecting with people, but I don't think there'll be a point where I feel like, 'Oh yeah, I'm famous now.'

I feel like I ask my fans to love themselves a lot, and and I do want people to love themselves. That comes from personal experience.

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