As for oblivion, well, we can wait a little while for that.

Was it fair to say I didn't know the full state of my soul?

Invest in a feather duster - the possibilities are endless.

My efforts with Hollywood are like things written in water.

In the very depths of Hell, do not demons love one another?

Because I show you my pain, I do not of necessity love you.

I promised that from now on I would write only for the Lord.

I was a newborn vampire, weeping at the beauty of the night.

I had wanted to say that my song was far too painful to sing.

The earth here is beautiful. And it still belongs to the dead.

To write something, you have to risk making a fool of yourself.

I can’t help being a gorgeous fiend. It’s just the card I drew.

Cities have distinct personalities. It's a matter of knowing it.

A perfectly evil Devil makes even less sense than a perfect God.

But just remember, life without me would be even more unbearable.

There are so many books I mean to read, and things I mean to see.

The fact that I loved you was the greatest lie I have ever lived.

Why does shame and self-loathing become cruelty to the innocent ?

I never lie," I said offhand. "At least not to those I don't love.

Keep your secrets Keep your silence It is a better gift than truth

I'm fascinated by almost any mythology that I can get my hands on.

The world changes, we do not, therein lies the irony that kills us.

I'm going to keep on dealing with the supernatural in a lot of ways.

I'm fascinated by almost any mythology that I can get my hands on...

Goodnight sweet prince, may flights of devils wing you to your rest.

I don't believe in anything and that makes me stronger than you think

In the chapel you prayed to be a saint and now I will make you a god.

Everyone is a potential naked slave to you once you become a trainer.

I do want to go another way - to write something completely different.

What does it mean to die when you can live until the end of the world?

A starving child is a frightful sight. A starving vampire, even worse.

And I realized that I’d tolerated him this long because of self-doubt.

I do not read the ancient languages, but I am beginning to study Greek.

Life is a tragedy, one way or another. What is certain is that you die.

When I'm writing, the darkness is always there. I go where the pain is.

He had never expected death to be this quiet, this secretive, this easy.

When you make his sandwiches, put a sexy or loving note in his lunch box.

When I write something, every word of it is meant. I can't say it enough.

Memnoch the Devil happen to be my favorite of all The Vampire Chronicles.

My greatest sin has always been that I have a wonderful time being myself

I am an unwilling devil. I cry like some vagrant child. I want to go home.

We are predators, whose all-seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment.

How pathetic it is to describe these things which can't truly be described.

The supernatural world has always been more real to me than the real world.

None of us really changes over time. We only become more fully what we are.

Who knows what the hell a government is or what the hell a government does.

I like mainly to be invisible, to sort of drift around unseen in the world.

I claim Dickens as a mentor. He's my teacher. He's one of my driving forces.

The highest truths a person could discover were rooted in the natural world.

And when a strong man is sweet, even Goddesses look down from Mount Olympus.

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