When you think night and day and every moment only of pleasing me, things will be very easy for you.

I was obsessed with religious questions, the basics: Why are we here? Why is the world so beautiful?

I was typing away while everybody was dropping acid and smoking grass. I was known as my own square.

There was no point in waiting until the next world. You had to do everything now, every kind of sin.

And I loved this moment for all it's pain...We seemed for a moment like two parts of the same thing.

No matter how rudely someone treats you, remain kind. Walking away at peace with yourself is worth it.

Writers, as they gain success, feel like outsiders because writers don't come together in real groups.

I'm Gentleman Death in silk and lace, come to put out the candles. The canker in the heart of the rose.

The old gods will bring about vengeance not so much because they exist but because I once honored them.

Sometimes fear is a warning. It's like someone putting a hand on your shoulder and saying Go No Farther.

We are not damned. We never were. Who under the sun has the right to damn any living breathing creature?

Making a film, I've learned, can be an exhausting process, due to the need for backing, distribution, etc.

Amazing what the British do with language; the nuances of politeness. The world's great diplomats, surely.

Do you know what it means to be loved by Death?... Do you know what it means to have Death know your name?

I congratulate myself on not having arrived into the world until the present time. This age suits my taste.

I gave up on the big screen. The Witching Hour was at Warner Bros. for 10 years and it just didn't work out.

I read The Old Curiosity Shop before I began Blackwood Farm. I was amazed at the utter madness in that book.

Being liberated means reading what you want to read, and fantasizing about what you want to fantasize about.

To really ask is to open the door to the whirlwind. The answer may annihilate the question and the questioner.

I'm definitely more influenced by European writers than I am by American writers, there's no doubt about that.

I don't like myself you know. I love myself. I'm devoted to myself till my dying day. But I don't like myself.

My conscience is killing me, isn't it? And when you're immortal that can be a really long and ignominious death

Our language needs endless synonyms for beautiful; the eyes could see what the tongue cannot possibly describe.

I left Christianity because I wanted to be a moral person. That is why I left. I no longer believed in its lies.

Oh to have you with me, to have you here, not to be alone, but to be with you, my beauty, you of all souls! You.

Sometimes dreams show me that my writing should go deeper. Dreams have not so much changed my work as deepened it.

Your love to others, and their love for you, that the increase of love in life itself around you, is what matters.

Oh Lestat, you deserved everything that's ever happened to you. You better not die. You might actually go to hell.

Maybe that's what Hell is. You go mad. And all your demons come and get you just as fast as you can think them up.

One moment the world is as it is. The next, it is something entirely different. Something it has never been before.

First-person narrators is the way I know how to write a book with the greatest power and chance of artistic success.

Then, are you master of us all? You didn't teach her that. Was she supposed to imbibe it from my quiet subservience?

I know nothing of God or the Devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secret that would damn or save my soul.

You think I live in the past. You don't understand that I actually change with every era, I always have as best I can

For me, places have a tremendous impact. I fall in love with places. All of life seems different in different places.

The library furnished our dreams, helped us shape our ambitions, made up people of books and ideas and grand designs.

I am deeply discouraged by Catholic Bishops who say Catholics cannot support same sex marriage in our secular culture.

You see,' [Armand] said, 'killing other vampires is very exciting; that is why it is forbidden under penalty of death.

I have to move away from organized religion. The toxic confusion and anger I was feeling in church had become too great.

I love New Orleans physically. I love the trees and the balmy air and the beautiful days. I have a beautiful house here.

It's an awful truth that suffering can deepen us, give a greater lustre to our colours, a richer resonance to our words.

Memory was a curse, yes, he thought, but it was also the greatest gift. Because if you lost memory you lost everything.

I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them.

I feel like an outsider, and I always will feel like one. I've always felt that I wasn't a member of any particular group.

The truth is most women are weak, be they mortal or immortal. But when they are strong, they are absolutely unpredictable.

For always in her there was a dark place full of despair and a great dividing force to make meaning because there was none.

I enjoy the Web site a lot and I like being able to talk to my readers. I've always had a very close relationship with them.

The greatest create of power you have on earth, whether you are an angel, a spirit, a man or woman or child is to help others.

I was particularly stunned by the casting of Cruise, who is no more my Vampire Lestat than Edward G. Robinson is Rhett Butler.

Your quest is for darkness only. This sea is not your sea. The myths of men are not your myths. Men's treasures are not yours.

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