Differences challenge assumptions.

Healthy people live with their world.

Trusting our intuition often saves us from disaster.

Life is a process. We are a process. The universe is a process.

Looking after my health today gives me a better hope for tomorrow.

Something that required the best of you has ended. You will miss it.

It is not what I do, it is the way I do it, that will get me in the end.

It is not necessary to deny another's reality in order to affirm your own.

Getting to the top isn't bad, and it's probably best done as an afterthought.

Security is an attempt to try to make the universe static so that we feel safe.

We can influence who we will be tomorrow, for tomorrow can only be built on today.

Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.

I realize that humor isn't for everyone. It's only for people who want to have fun, enjoy life, and feel alive.

What we perceive as a failure may simply be our inner being's way of telling us that we are ready to move to a new level of growth.

It is possible to be different and still be all right. There can be two - or more - answers to the same question, and all can be right.

There are so many ways to heal. Arrogance may have a place in technology, but not in healing. I need to get out of my own way if I am to heal.

Whole areas of knowledge and information have been defined into nonexistence because the system cannot know, understand, control, or measure them.

All of us need to talk to someone who's interesting, intelligent, knows us well, and is on our side - and that's us. We're probably the most interesting person we know.

Our culture has valued closed systems and tries to generate them in all walks of life. Women are better at and more comfortable with open systems, which occur naturally in nature.

Work is sacred. It is not just a way to earn money or gain power, though it may result in both. Work is a vehicle for testing out our gifts and talents and using them to explore their meaning.

Almost everyone seems to worry about something, and yet, we rarely talk about worry as a problem. Maybe that is because worry is so integrated into the way we have come to live and be in the world that we don't even notice it.

We must move in our recovery from one addiction to another for two major reasons: first, we have not recognized and treated the underlying addictive process, and second, we have not accurately isolated and focused upon the specific addictions.

We have finally started to notice that there is real curative value in local herbs and remedies. In fact, we are also becoming aware that there are little or no side effects to most natural remedies, and that they are often more effective than Western medicine.

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