My divorce wasn't fun.

Data helps solve problems.

Fashion was never my forte.

My mom was a problem solver.

I think life is pretty awesome.

Physicians should be genotyped.

I want the world's data accessible.

I get parking tickets all the time.

People are used to dealing with risk.

There should be choice in healthcare.

There's a beauty in being unrealistic.

I guess I'm just fiercely independent.

The world needs more social innovations.

When I was young, I ate Ho Hos every day.

You are not just about death and disease.

Big data is going to make us all healthier.

I usually start my day when my kids wake up.

I carry my iPad and laptop with me everywhere.

There's going to be space travel at some point.

In Silicon Valley, you want things done instantly.

The paternalism of the medical industry is insane.

The consumer is really underutilized in health care.

All the kids from my nursery school are still in touch.

Big challenges are an accumulation of small challenges.

There's nothing more raw in life than when you're sick.

April 25th is DNA Day. I know, you probably had no idea.

Billions of dollars have been put into genetic research.

The FDA serves a real purpose: To protect public health.

Most medications don't work effectively for a lot people.

When you try new things, you will make mistakes. That's OK.

There's not enough competition and innovation in healthcare.

I don't necessarily want my physician making all my decisions.

My family and I were some of the first people to be genotyped.

We care a lot more about not having the disease than treating it.

A solid foundation in genetics is increasingly important for everyone.

23andme is very independent and committed to focusing on transparency.

I think being on a constraint with money makes you much more creative.

You don't necessarily want your physician to have all your information.

I'm not going to change; I'm very stubborn in this way. I am what I am.

I do believe at some point in time everyone will be genotyped at birth.

The reality is that the only way change comes is when you lead by example.

There's a whole group of people who are 100-plus and have no disease. Why?

We don't have enough data about how lifestyle decisions impact our health.

Every couple of weeks, someone writes in and says, '23andMe saved my life.'

It is important to democratize personal genetics and make it more accessible.

I think there's a point to regulating, because there are snake oil companies.

You don't do new things and try to change the system without generating debate.

We have been trained not to think about our health care until there's a problem.

I have always been interested in health care and doing something that is dramatic.

One of the best aspects of health care reform is it starts to emphasize prevention.

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