There are no shortcuts to success.

I find it flattering to be compared to Tige

I think it’s important for me to play well and set the tone.

On the first tee I kept telling myself, "Trust yourself, you can do it."

I've learned a lot about my game every time I play golf in a men's event.

You just have to try and keep on grinding and hope that things will turn around eventually.

I love to crunch numbers. I look at how many fairways I hit, how many greens I hit. I plan my way around the golf course.

It's a lot of fun coming out for a practice round and having the crowd behind you and cheering you on (a few) days before the event.

I push myself to be the best I can be. I don't worry about what other people are doing, and I don't think about things I can't control.

A lot of people think I am cold and have no feelings. But I do. I just try very hard to focus and not let my emotions take over on the golf course.

When I first came on tour, I was playing for money. Now I'm playing to win golf tournaments and the money is more than I ever dreamed I could make.

To play well you have to have good balance in your life. Tiger has found that. If you play golf long enough you'll learn that life is more than golf.

Ron Syriac, a golf writer and friend, was quoted as saying, "Annika is no longer a female golfer. She's a golfer." That's truly all I ever aspired to be.

I stay patient. I don't go out there and try to set a course record. That's probably one of my strengths and one reason I've been able to win major championships.

I still get butterflies on the first tee. I still get sweaty hands, and my heart pumps a lot going down the 18th. But I know what winning is all about now, and that's a feeling that I like.

I told my caddie today that I am in the position that I want to be in. That this is what I have been waiting for, to win my tenth victory. I said that I am going to do everything that I can do today and that nothing is going to stop me.

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