See, I have two selves in me - a musician and a composer.

On stage the spotlight is on me and I cannot afford to be shy.

Rock and roll is not just music, it is a way of life, it has its own spirit.

I had no release in 2013. I worked on four films; none of them saw the light of day.

I take inspiration from my life but only twenty per cent is real the rest is all made up.

I got introduced to Western music and it inspired me. One of my favourite bands is Pink Floyd.

I have come to Kolkata to make music, but I can't expect one director to give me work all the time.

Love songs too have many moods. It can be sad or be joyous and upbeat when one feels jubilant and in love.

I can contribute to the field of music, I would not have been able to contribute to the field of engineering.

I love playing football, and I'm pretty aggressive on the field. I'm a different person on the football field.

An artist is usually responsible only for the creation of a particular art. It's up to the critics to label it.

There's workplace politics in Tollywood, like every other industry in the world. You just learn to deal with it.

Creativity is not about making 30 songs in 30 days. It's never about demand and supply. No one can possibly do that.

Everyone wants to be happy at the end of the day. If we can pursue what we really want to do, we don't get bored of life.

I learned tabla for three years when in school, then started picking up the basics of the acoustic guitar when in college.

In Bengali films, since I also write the lyrics, there are certain songs, which I get emotionally and personally attached to.

But somehow I feel the world is taking me away from my original rock roots of inspiration. Rock and roll is losing its past glory.

We can see the weather change, that the birds don't come to the city anymore... we seriously have to think about preserving nature.

On stage I try to be as spontaneous as possible, feeding off the energy of the audience. I just let myself be and have fun on stage.

But what doesn't change is that love is something we all crave. Everyone is looking for that touch, that emotion, that feeling. Love makes the mundane matter.

I believe in my kind of music and I'm happy to have reached out to people through my songs. My dream was to sing my compositions and get accepted by listeners.

I compose melodies in my head and then interpret them musically with my guitar and keep them recorded. The guitar helps me to build unique chord structures on simple melodies.

I think love songs are universal. It doesn't mean a particular kind of music. It can be happy, sad or even celebratory. Having a radio station dedicated to love songs make sense.

I like greenery, nature, I don't like littering the streets. The progress of science and technology comes at a cost and I don't think we can still fathom the extent of this 'cost'.

I am not an established name in Bollywood and hence I can't call the shots. In Kolkata, I have proved myself and am in a position in the industry where directors and producers easily listen to me.

When I was in college or working, I had the luxury of writing on whatever subject. Now, I'm in the business, I have a deadline and pressures. Sometimes, I have to do things that I am not in the mood for.

I try to talk as less as possible and maximise the music part. I have tons of songs on my set list and I want to sing all of them, or as much as possible. If I talk more it'll eat into the time allotted for me.

I was always a wannabe 'singer-songwriter' but nothing was happening. I was trying for albums. I was too afraid to quit my job for nothing. But my friends kept on encouraging me. I kept on writing songs. My first hit was probably my 150th song.

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