I think the consistency comes from the parts.

Same if you had a bad show, it just rolls off you more easily.

I've always been fascinated by flight and the freeness of birds.

Maybe when I die and I'm thrown overboard, I'll turn into a mermaid.

I love the idea of birds having human qualities...I think all humans want to be birds so we can fly.

You might not be riding high on a great show for as long because you didn't have people to share the joy with.

It's not a morbid thing, but I think I've never been afraid of death, which is maybe why I love writing about it.

I really am planning on living to be 100. People ask, "Why are you so depressed?" I'm actually a very happy person.

I've always wanted to be thrown into the ocean when I die - to be rowed out to sea and thrown overboard into the Atlantic.

When I sang the line, 'Songs about Old Ireland.Songs about being young again.I wish I was young again,' twice people cried. I saw them.

My relationship to all my family in Ireland is more to family as a whole. It wasn't that we had a very specific one-on-one relationship.

I could hunker down by myself and listen closely to mixes, but then to be able to have a sounding board of peers to get advice and feedback.

The songs came from a more solitary place and I hadn't played them with many people before recording. So I just added the layers of people who are in my life, and built up the songs.

It's not that I literally believe in magic or spirits. In my logical life I absolutely don't believe in any kind of mumbo jumbo. But I do have this belief in the greater magic of the universe.

Performing alone - it's a very solitary experience. When you're in a band, when something amazing happens on stage you can look at each other, "Yeah! we're so locked in." Or if something goes wrong, you can look at each other and shrug and say, "Oops." If you're doing it by yourself, you reflect on it in a completely different way.

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