The Empire is a Commonwealth of nations.

Lloyd George is a one-eyed fellow in blinkers.

We regard our parties as interesting groups of gladiators.

Lord Randolph Churchill was the chief mourner at his own protracted funeral.

A man will blithely do in politics what he would kick a man downstairs for in ordinary life.

Whatever thrift is, it is not avarice. Avarice is not generous; and, after all, it is the thrifty people who are generous.

Few speeches which have produced an electrical effect on an audience can bear the colourless photography of a printed record.

Do not first announce action, and then, when you are unable to take action, withdraw, because you will only find yourself in the same position as now, plus a public and humiliating confession of impotence.

How marvelous it all is! Built not by saints and angels, but the work of men's hands; cemented with men's honest blood and with a world of tears, welded by the best brains of centuries past; not without the taint and reproach incidental to all human work, but constructed on the whole with pure and splendid purpose. Human, and yet not wholly human -- for the most heedless and the most cynical must see the finger of the Divine.

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