Be a go-giver, not a go-getter

having too much is never enough.

Life is shaped from the inside out.

Failure is a stepping stone to success.

Don't miss the moment. It's all we have

It's time to sleep your way to the top.

Never make decisions from a place of lack.

Fearlessness is the mother of reinvention.

You can complete a project by dropping it.

Being a mother is the role I'm most proud of.

Don't just climb the ladder, chart a new path.

The happiest people are the most giving people

Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.

Remind yourself: you are not your thoughts or feelings

Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.

My passion is to help people live lives with less stress.

Having a partner definitely allows you to take more risks.

If you take care of your mind, you take care of the world.’

There is nothing like becoming a mom to fill you with fear.

The land of burnout is not a place I ever want to go back to.

Failure is not the opposite of success; it's part of success.

Everything you do, you'll do better with a good night's sleep.

I have one piece of advice for you: sleep your way to the top.

Life is a dance between making it happen and letting it happen.

The journey toward self-discovery is life's greatest adventure.

I'm much more creative when I've actually taken care of myself.

Naysayers have little power over us - unless we give it to them.

We all have within us the ability to move from struggle to grace.

Not only is it harder to be a man, it is also harder to become one.

But you have to do what you dream of doing even while you're afraid.

Learning to code is useful no matter what your career ambitions are.

Making money and doing good in the world are not mutually exclusive.

Any president's actions have real consequences in real people's lives.

Today we often use deadlines—real and imaginary—to imprison ourselves.

When your house is burning down, you don't worry about the remodeling.

We all have within us a centered place of wisdom, harmony, and balance.

There may be no single thing that can teach us more about life than death.

It’s not ‘What do I want to do?’, it’s ‘What kind of life do I want to have?’

Both political parties have a richly vested interest in corporate corruption.

When life is at that extremely hard time, all we can control is our attitude.

Failure is an integral part of life and that perfection is not of this world.

Meditation, yoga, and walks are all ways to regulate our stress and reconnect.

Discover the great ideas that lie inside you by discovering the power of sleep.

Nothing is ever enough when what you are looking for isn't what you really want.

Happiness is dealing with setbacks with more grace, understanding and acceptance

We're more than just our job titles or our list of professional accomplishments.

Any time we have projects that we haven't begun or completed, they drain energy.

The average smartphone user checks his or her device every six and a half minutes.

To live exuberantly, we must be prepared to illuminate the dark spots in ourselves.

It is easier to overcome people's judgments than to overcome our own self-judgment.

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