I'm living a fairy tale.

I'm a very realistic person.

I believe in second chances.

I get really homesick inside.

I've got the best gig in the world.

I'm used to the Journey routine now.

I pray everywhere and with all my heart.

Journey are very big in the Philippines.

Everybody is entitled to his own opinion.

There is only one Steve Perry, and I am a fan.

I consider myself an alumnus of Hard Rock Cafe.

I guess that I have nothing more to aspire for.

Hold on to your dream, no matter what it takes.

I try to live under the radar as much as possible.

Next to my family in Manila, Journey is my family.

Download was one of the best festivals I've ever been to.

I just do what I can do to be one of the people who make a difference.

I'm allergic to molds, cigarette smoke, smog and dust and animals' hair.

The Journey guys were so warm and friendly. I'm learning a lot from them.

I am a great believer in alkaline water which lessens the acid in my system.

I just focus on trying to please and entertain those who have faith in my talent.

What I consider a challenge is to prove that I am worthy as Journey's new vocalist.

I just want to be a part of a band that will be able to reinvent themselves, you know.

It has been magical. I can't think of a better word to describe my journey than magical.

I fight if I need to, I dance if I need to, yet I won't compromise my integrity and pride.

To all the Journey fans, thank you for all your love and support to me and our whole band.

I prefer alkaline water. Good for the vocal cords, especially if you take it in the morning.

I never had a slight feeling of intimidation. I'm not even trying to compete with Mr. Perry.

There are people out there who want me to fail. I'm sticking to those people who believe in me.

I didn't think the real Neal Schon would call a guy like me. I'm just a guy from the Philippines.

When you grow up in poverty and learn how to survive it, it's something that stays with you forever.

I had to give up a lot of foods that I'm accustomed to eating: dairy products, beer, wine, spicy food.

I think that Steve Perry will always be known as the singer of Journey. I have so much respect for him.

I have too much respect for the music and for the band and the fans to give anything less than my best.

I have never hated my job; I only hate its negative results every time I attempt to do something amazing.

My father would make me stand on the table and make me sing. He would give me a P1 reward after every song.

I was blown away by Steve Perry's voice - you know, his amazing ability to change from a lambing voice to rock.

When I was 12, my mother passed away from heart failure, leaving us in grief and in debt from her medical bills.

Just continue what you are doing. You should have no hesitation, no stopping - just keep on going to the next level.

I like to keep my voice going. I don't want it to lose its chops. You know, as you age, it's easier for you to lose it.

Make sure that you are happy with what you are doing; otherwise, you will be miserable. Pursue your dream. Don't give up.

I try to avoid gaining weight as much as possible because it hinders my performance onstage. Touring demands so much energy.

I use a lot of utility apps on my iPad, and I have four kinds of 'Angry Birds' games! I also use GarageBand to create demos.

We were an underprivileged family. My parents were both tailors. We got by. But we only had a few important things in our life.

I may have done an every-night gig in Hong Kong because I was there for almost 16 years, and in Manila, Philippines, I did gigs there.

I just ignore those who say negative comments against me. Whether I'm doing right or wrong, they would still say the same things against me.

The fans at our shows in Tokyo love music so much; they're amazing. They give a kind of energy and adrenaline that builds us up when we play.

Journey gave me a magic wand, and it's changed the man that I am. I was able to muster this kind of courage that I never, ever had in my life.

I want to tell all the dreamers out there that they should stay away from vices if they want to succeed; that they need training, guidance, and support.

There are a lot of undiscovered world-class bands across Asia, and we want to find them, help fulfill their dreams, or at least give them initial exposure.

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