I know my curves are sexy and I want everyone else to know that ...

I know my curves are sexy and I want everyone else to know that theirs are too. There is no reason to hide and every reason to flaunt.

I started dating at 16.

I love my hourglass figure.

I think the simpler the better.

Love yourself. Be proud of who you are.

Some styles don't look good on bigger women.

My father was a master of the cutting insult.

Who doesn't want to be comfortable all day long?

Curvy girls can pull off any look - it's what we do.

What better time to write a memoir than the big 3-0?

I think the word 'plus-sized' is so divisive to women.

There is no reason to hide and every reason to flaunt.

I love blocking people. I'm not afraid to block anybody.

People called me 'cottage cheese thighs' all through school.

My theory is that big underwear makes big girls look bigger.

There is not one standard definition of beauty or one perfect size.

We can't create change until we recognize and check our own actions.

Some people might only recognize me half naked in my bikini and bra!

I was called the girl that was 'pretty for a big girl,' 'the fat model.'

You can be sexy and feel good in your skin, no matter what size you are.

The beauty of being a curvier girl is that we're all shaped so differently.

It's just amazing to be a part of something that you so strongly agree with.

I am more than my measurements. I'm not Ashley Graham just because I'm curvy.

There's no such thing as being perfect, and that doesn't just mean the perfect body.

I dated all the wrong men. I thought I could feel appreciated in my body through guys.

If a plus-size woman is not represented in fashion or on TV, what the hell are we doing?

I really believe that parents need to know they are shaping the future of their children.

People would do the sound of a truck backing up - beeeep, beeeep - as I was sitting down.

To not see black or Latina women as famous in my industry is crazy! I have to talk about it.

Everyone wants to be an "expert" on social media and share their opinion behind the keyboard.

There are reasons to set boundaries for yourself, but there are also reasons to keep doors open.

I felt free once I realized I was never going to fit the narrow mold society wanted me to fit in.

I'm being my real raw self, and that's what I always preach anyway. What you see is what you get.

I really hope that the fashion community will not accept anything that does not represent everyone.

The fashion industry may persist to label me as 'plus-size,' but I like to think of it as 'my size.'

I always say wear what makes you feel most confident, and confidence doesn't always come over night.

The fashion industry might persist to label me as plus-sized, but I like to think of it as my-sized.

'Sexy' is a state of mind, and it can come in all shapes and sizes. It is different for every person.

I felt free, once I realized i was never going to fit the narrow mold that society wanted me to fit in.

I feel like we have to have [plus size models] as soon as possible. We're the norm. We're the majority.

I just don't live my life in a world where I am not feeling my best, and feeling my best is feeling sexy.

I actually love modeling clothing and showing women that clothing and style can help your confidence shine.

Since I first started playing basketball, I have just loved it, and nothing has ever made me lose that love.

I'm a confident woman with thick skin, and as a model in the public eye, I'm conditioned to accept criticism.

For me, wearing lingerie isn't about anyone else but me. If I dressed for others I would be a miserable person.

Confidence starts at home, and something my mother never did was look in the mirror and say she was ugly or fat.

We need to work together to redefine the global image of beauty and continue to push for a more inclusive world.

I was the first size 14 model to be featured in an ad in the magazine,I was the first size 14 model on the cover!

'A New Model' is saying that women should be confident in who they are and that they can be their own role models.

When I'm traveling out of the country, a lot of guys give me a high five, and then they're like, 'I love your work!'

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