When I fall, I fall hard.

Seabeck is slow to change.

I by no means quit social media.

I just believe in equality for all.

Skaters are infamously superstitious.

When Im competing, I need to be strong.

When I'm competing, I need to be strong.

I love hanging out with friends and family.

From a young age, I was viciously competitive.

You should not be defined by one bad performance.

I havent mastered the art of sitting and smiling.

I haven't mastered the art of sitting and smiling.

Twitter is a blessing and a curse at the same time.

I can adapt to change easily, but I'm not a fan of it.

I want to stay involved in sports in one way or another.

I love hockey. That's actually one of my favorite sports.

Off the ice, I can be soft, and I can be elegant and sweet.

I went through my awkward teenage years. I don't want to go back.

I am going to get involved with giving back to military families.

I was very much a tomboy. I just couldn't do the pink ballet tutus.

I'm always looking for a way to give myself something new as a person.

You always imagine everything will go so smoothly in the Olympic season.

Skating is one of those sports you unfortunately see people get stuck in.

To put on a performance, you have to be emotional. You can't be a zombie.

I know roughly when I skate a good program where the score should end up.

In 2010, I was 17 or 18 and thought, 'Yeah, the Olympics, that might happen.'

If I train well and stay focused, I'm confident I can deliver when the time comes.

For me, I have gay family members, and I have a lot of friends in the LBGT community.

When I do my makeup, it kind of helps me get into the character that I'm trying to portray.

I really believe that women who are confident in their natural beauty are the most beautiful

The SoCal weather can't be beat, but I just haven't quite been able to embrace the lifestyle.

Adding an Olympic medal to everything that I have already accomplished would be so huge for me.

The fact that an icon would even utter my name or have any idea of who I am is absolutely unreal.

I love to win, honestly... If you love to win, you should say it. And honestly, I'm hooked on it.

I'm vicious. I can be nice off the ice, but on the ice, that's not where it's time to make friends.

I love to win, honestly. ... If you love to win, you should say it. And honestly, I'm hooked on it.

I love Pinterest! Pinterest is absolutely phenomenal when you're trying to come up with a costume design.

To have full and multiple criteria is the best way to decide who is best prepared to be on that Olympic team.

People don't want to watch a sport where you see people fall down and somehow score above someone who goes clean.

I might be more of a tomboy on the ice, but when it comes to fashion and things like that, I'm a total girlie-girl.

Nothing has been easy for me... I've always had to work for everything I've gotten and everything I've accomplished.

I give myself a cheat day where I annihilate my diet. I'm an all-American girl, so I go for a burger and fries and a shake.

I live in California, so I do stand-up paddle board, which is a killer workout. I also run, about four miles every three days.

I love 'The Vampire Diaries!' I can't help it - it's such a teeny-bopper show, but I think I just like it to stare at the guys.

Some skaters, they live for skating, and they are home-schooled. I'm very lucky my parents let me go to school and have a normal life.

I'm so proud to be an Army brat, but it was not an easy life. Moving around so much, skating was that one constant thing I had to hold on to.

When my parents were paying for my sport, it wasn't just me out on the ice. Pretty much every dollar my mom made teaching went into my skating.

Covergirl is my sponsor, and they have been so helpful in supplying me with their wonderful products. I love their blush, mascara and lip gloss.

It just comes kind of naturally to me to take something and try and make it relatable and interesting to someone who doesn't know everything about skating.

A lot of people who watch figure skaters want us to look like pretty princesses. I want people to see the athlete, and I want to look like a woman among girls.

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