To remain standing one often has to fall.

Battles are won and lost before they are fought.

Mythology works... because Indians have been bred on myths.

Write when drunk. Edit when sober. Marketing is the hangover.

The cleanest book on a dusty bookshelf is usually a dirty one.

While I can't walk on water, I can certainly wobble on whisky.

Combine two words, Myth and History. What do you get? Mystery.

Writing helps me create a different world that I can escape to.

Character is what you are. Reputation is what people think you are.

Would the fish have ever been caught if it had kept its mouth shut?

Writing is possibly an art, but crime writing is definitely a craft.

Omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous and omnipresent all begin with Om.

I want to make sure that my writing grips the reader from the word 'go.'

Everyone talks about moderation. How about some moderation in moderation?

Worry is like a rocking chair; it keeps you in motion but gets you nowhere

My attention span is very limited, and I watch just one or two movies a year.

In the Sanghi family, there is no one who has undertaken intellectual pursuits.

In order to become the master, a ruler must profess to be a servant of the people.

After writing each novel, I would spend days poring over suggestions from my editor.

Humankind would improve if we concentrated less on being human and more on being kind.

My wife is troubled by the things I forget. I am troubled by the things she recollects.

Vish, the creator; and Shiv, the destroyer, are simply two faces of the very same coin.

There is one person who can help solve 'writer's block'. His name is Mr. Johnnie Walker.

I don't want to be remembered as a writer. I would rather be remembered as a storyteller.

Did God create man, or did man create God? Either way, the decision needs to be reviewed.

We don't need to dumb down our stuff. And it's important to know how far we can push readers.

I want to be remembered as a storyteller more than someone who had something meaningful to say.

If there is one city apart from Mumbai where I would love to settle down, it has to be Chennai.

The first thriller ever? It was probably one from 1697. It was called 'Little Red Riding Hood.'

There has to be a protagonist who has to overcome challenges, and there will be a race to finish.

O Rakshas, everything is always all right in the end. If it isn't all right, then it isn't the end

The relationship between critic and writer is similar to the one between the pigeon and the statue.

I believe that every writer evolves with every successive novel. I view myself as work-in-progress.

My greatest qualification for writing fiction was my ability to lie with a straight face as a child.

Writing was my route to creative expression, and I needed to write about the things that interested me.

When working on a period, it is the finer details that evoke imagery that helps in cinematic adaptations.

My life is ruled by four W's: my writing, my work, my wife, and my whisky. Not necessarily in that order.

It's foolish to call Chanakya an Indian Machiavelli. Rather, Machiavelli was possibly an Italian Chanakya.

The Divine is simply that which science has not yet explained. In effect, God = Infinity - Human Knowledge.

I was passionate about reading from an early age, and I would always be carrying a different book each week.

What I would not like is to be ignored. I write from the heart. I don't write for me. I write for my readers.

What is divine? It is simply that which man has not been able to understand. Once you do, it loses its divinity.

Our country has the oldest tradition of storytelling, and this was much before writing stories even became a norm.

Take the first A out of Abraham and put it at the end. You get Brahama. There's the ancient connection right there.

What is divine? Simply that which man has not yet been able to understand. Once understood, it ceases to be divine.

I don't care if my books don't sell abroad; we have a large enough market in our country. I write for Indian readers.

I was a businessman for 16 years of my life, so when I started writing, I wanted to keep my literary identity separate.

Oral storytelling goes back so long ago, and those stories that were told orally were always layered and changed with time.

Mythology does not interest me. Nor does history. But the possible overlap between history and mythology excites me immensely.

Mythology is like a game of Chinese Whispers. What goes in at one end of the human circle is rarely what emerges at the other end.

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