I wish everyone could just be free.

I was assigned female at birth. My gender identify is non-binary.

I have disregarded gender when deciding which part to audition for.

I love that I dream big and go after my dreams with all I've got to give.

Dating has never been something I've done. It's never been a part of my life.

I'm very careful with my media intake. I try and monitor it pretty carefully.

It's interesting that people think that pants are masculine. Pants are pants.

I love my ability to generate empathy and compassion within myself and others.

I'm really proud that MTV has joined the conversation about breaking down binaries.

Me feeling ambiguous about my gender identity has been a lifelong feeling, certainly.

I love that although the world is a dangerous place, I still find it to be beautiful.

If you don't meet luck halfway with really hard work, luck won't get you all the way there.

'Laramie' is a way in to replacing any hate in your heart with understanding, compassion, and acceptance.

I do say gender fluid, because I experience my gender identity as being fluid because it's on a spectrum.

I was gender-nonconforming in high school in terms of the way I dressed, in terms of the way I cut my hair.

A lot of brands are saying they're going to make 'gender neutral' clothing. But clothing is gender neutral.

I'm always interested in, I would say, not only sharing my wisdom, but acquiring other people's wisdom as well.

We've been socialised and told that there is a way to describe people, and that way is by their gender or their sex.

I find that, often, when I tell people what pronoun I use, I don't get a lot of backlash. I'm really lucky in that respect.

Once people are made aware of things that they were previously ignorant of, I think people are a lot more willing to really try.

Within my immediate creative community, I would say gender is something that I've always been interested in and always talked about.

There is still so much acceptance, representation and visibility needed for trans women of color and gender non-conforming people of color.

This character I play on 'OITNB' is an antagonist in a Black Lives Matter storyline, but you need antagonists in order to tell those stories.

My impression of Wall Street growing up was certainly that it was like the big, bad place where all of the men did the bad things with our money.

Non-binary is a term used by some people, myself included, who feel that their gender identity falls outside the tradition boxes of man or woman.

I struggled coming to terms with the fact that I'd been assigned female at birth, but that I didn't feel like a girl or a woman or a man or a boy.

Creating more characters that represent historically marginalized and historically disenfranchised people in television and film is certainly important.

I believe the arts are the best way to help people go on a journey of self-discovery toward their own compassion and empathy for humanity and themselves.

Binaries, whether it's 'man' or 'woman,' or 'black' and 'white,' were created to separate us. So without binary, there is only 'us,' which makes us all equal.

Labels can be really helpful when we have the autonomy to label ourselves. But when other people label us without our permission, that's when it becomes dangerous.

I've always felt like I'm Asia: I'm the first me and I'm the first Asia that's going to walk into the room, and I'm here to change the game. That's part of who I am.

I spent so many years not understanding my own gender identity, not having the language to talk about it, and not feeling safe in many environments to talk about it.

I see reflections of what I love about myself in the love and care I receive from my friends, family, and co-workers who, in turn, allow me to love and care about them.

My mother has always rooted for the underdog, so to speak. She has always been in support of uplifting historically marginalized and historically disenfranchised people.

Gender-neutral clothing is often, for lack of a better term, bags on bags. A baggy shirt with baggy pants, that sort of erases any individuality, as opposed to enhancing it.

If someone says 'she' or 'he,' and it's unintentional, I can tell if it's coming from a place of love. It's only when someone misgenders me on purpose that it becomes hurtful.

We have table reads for every episode of 'Billions.' The core cast is smaller than the core cast on 'Orange Is the New Black,' so in that sense, it has more of a theater vibe.

Capitalism in and of itself is based on the monetising of human labour, and the first evidence of that is slavery. And that has never changed. We are all participating in that.

I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that only gender non-conforming, non-binary, or trans people have a gender identity. But the truth is, everyone has a gender identity.

While I acknowledge that it's not my whiteness that has given me my platform entirely... it's part of the reason I've garnered so much acceptance and praise for being out and nonbinary.

Honestly, from a very young age, before I had the language, really - anywhere that I encountered binary, whether it was in clothing or in toys or in media, it always made me uncomfortable.

There was a time when it was important culturally to have the word 'actress,' I suppose, but when it comes to awards ceremonies, we don't have 'Best Directress' or 'Best Cinematographeress!'

I can remember, actually, seeing the film 'Oliver!' and understanding so badly that I wanted to play that part, but that I would never be able to because I was a 'girl' and Oliver was a 'boy.'

Whether it's a song or a television show, or a book or poem, art is the thing that cracks me open and encourages me to go on a deeper journey to find my own compassion and empathy and humanity.

Because I was assigned female at birth and I am light-skinned, white, I think people hear my message more than they hear it from someone who was assigned male at birth and is a person of colour.

What 'Billions' does so brilliantly is they just make it a non-issue. Damien Lewis' character says, 'Those are the pronouns you use? Great, let's get down to business. How can you make me money?'

What we need to do is get rid of 'men's' and 'women's' sections and make sections that are, like, 'dresses for tall people,' 'pants for short people,' 'jeans for people with hips,' you know what I mean?

When you are not working in TV and primarily doing film, you're working with one director for a long period of time, so getting to work with 12 different directors in the span of six months is incredible.

For all of the incredible messages I've received about how my visibility is helping people, those people who I follow on social media still receive daily death threats and the most derogatory, inhumane vitriol.

I think that it's important to say that trans people exist, and we are valid, whether we choose to transition or not. It's really up to anyone to decide what is going to make them feel the most like themselves.

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