I love pizza hands down.

I'm kind of a skeptic at heart.

I was a choir boy my whole life.

I get paid to put tweets out sometimes.

I always wanted facial hair as soon as I could get it.

Go fail or succeed on your own merits, be your own man.

Wisconsin will always be home to me in a nostalgic kind of way.

Defending the Impact title against Jay Lethal would be phenomenal.

My initial going into vegetarian was learning about eating healthy.

I think I'm a very passionate person who's always strong in my convictions.

Sometimes it can be easy to forget where your roots are or where you came from.

Chris Jericho is a guy who I grew up really appreciating what he did in the ring.

I don't like hypocrisy, I don't like double standards, it's probably why i'm vegan.

No matter who I am wrestling, as long as Bobby Heenan is my manager, I'll be happy.

It was always important for me not to be pigeonholed as a cruiserweight-style wrestler.

I think that weight divisions in wrestling is a little silly as we never adhere to them.

I like to think every time I was put in a high pressure position, I've always delivered.

I have a backbone; that doesn't make me a heel. That makes me the biggest babyface there is.

I think it's always good to have realistic short term goals and then lofty longer term goals.

I was the X-Division champion and competing against guys mostly my size, and I dominated them.

There was a time that I really loved pro wrestling, but I'm not a pro wrestling junkie, per se.

Every time Samoa Joe and myself have stepped in the ring, we've always created a little bit of magic.

I don't necessarily get rubs from championships, I'd like to feel the championship gets a rub off of me.

The perception is if you are not 206lbs then you can't be considered main event talent, which is foolish.

I've been blessed for 17 years to have a job where I make people forget their problems for a little while.

On the road, I'll always pack a package or two of pre-cooked lentils, nuts, vegan protein bars and powders.

I'm interested to work with Lucha Underground and as champion that would put me in the mix to work with them.

Just like music, I consider wrestling to be an art form, and I have a vision of what that art should look like.

I've been Austin almost half my life. In almost every public setting, that's why I'm there - to be Austin Aries.

In my opinion nobody owns the patent on the art form of professional wrestling and the way it does its business.

I like nice food. Some people like cars, nice clothes, a nice house, and I like that stuff, but I like nice foods.

I've always been a big believer in myself and that if you give me an opportunity I am going to make the most of it.

You always have to keep evolving. You're always trying to improve. If you're at a standstill, you're falling behind.

Eveybody likes to speculate that me and Austin Starr are somehow related. I always say that that guy never had a tattoo.

There was one day where I just stopped eating meat, but then the transition to get rid of the dairy and eggs took 12 years.

I've accomplished every goal I've set out to. I've traveled the world, I've competed in just about every promotion there is.

I have put a lot of energy and focus into capturing the Cruiserweight Championship, but obviously I didn't get the job done.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to take a step back and get a little bit of a different perspective and re-evaluate things.

We live in a world with fake news being put out there. You don't really know what to trust, and it's a real danger to society.

I'm someone who likes to question things that are put in front of me, I like to think I'm someone who asks 'why sir?' not a 'yes sir.'

I was thankful that TNA saw the potential in me and put me in a position to fulfill something like winning the World Heavyweight Championship.

I just want to be the greatest man that I can be while I'm alive, and in that, you have to find the truth. Find the hard truth about yourself.

I've been trying to make it my own way in an industry full of heels walking around in babyface costumes, and that brought out the worst in me.

I have friends in other industries but if I am training for a wrestling match, I would turn to the best wrestler to train, not a football player.

As far as being the longest-reigning X Division champion, it's a pretty remarkable achievement, due to all the men who have held it over the years.

I competed at 'WrestleMania 33,' and I'm telling you, leading up to what should have been the biggest moment of my life, I couldn't find an ounce of joy.

The connector part of the mustache to the beard wasn't always really strong for me. That's kind of how it morphed, and that's kind of how my beard comes in.

A guy like AJ Styles is obviously a great talent and he's going to go out there and put on a performance that's befitting of a man who is the World Champion.

What the general public doesn't always understand is that wrestlers often only have hours to put things together, not days or weeks, except in certain cases.

I battle with things like depression in my life, I battle with things like anxiety, I battle with things like attention deficit disorder, and I ignored them all.

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