I'm the real deal.

I'm here to leave my mark in WWE history.

Most people settle in life, and that's not me.

I love the physicality of an offensive lineman.

I'm not going to shed a tear for not being liked.

I want to allow myself to display myself to people.

When I go to the ring, I'm providing for my family.

I was always that little kid that irritated people.

The fact that people don't like me doesn't bother me.

I want to keep growing and keep getting better every day.

You look at me: you see the tattoos, and I ride a motorcycle.

When you have an icon that wants you to succeed, it's awesome.

I don't envy people with long hair. So, I'm glad mine is gone.

There's a fire on 'SmackDown Live' that I don't think 'Raw' has.

I aim to bring a little pain, and a little roughness to what I do.

The NFL, boxing, jiu-jitsu - I did that. I'm proven at what I can do.

Braun Strowman - that guy's a monster. He's done some amazing things.

I'm 6'8'', 280 pounds, and I feel like I move like I'm 5'10'' and 200.

I don't respect anyone who has a background on the independent circuit.

People in athletics thrive on competition. That's what makes you better.

I got to travel to Japan. I never in my life thought I would go to Japan.

Fear of failure is a great thing. It pushes you past your comfort levels.

I'd like the chance to stand in the ring and punch the Undertaker in the face.

Football and boxing helped me immensely. Those sports helped me become dangerous.

End of Days is a lot of impact; it makes people open their eyes. It makes a statement.

For me, growing up, I'd always been a part of team sports, except for when I was boxing.

Twitter needs to understand that just because they're the loudest, they're not the majority.

I grew up going to rock shows, and the lines of rock n' roll cross over with wrestling so much.

I'm pretty good with being calculated in what I do, when I'm going to make my mark on somebody.

The atmosphere we get with NXT and NXT fans, they're a die-hard group. They care deeply about NXT.

I was in the top 1 percent of football players. Indie guys are in the bottom 95 percent of wrestlers.

I don't live for anyone other than myself, and I don't have a problem showing people or telling them.

WrestleMania's sort of the end off the year for us, but it's also a beginning because we don't take any time off.

I think 'Raw' is complacent in the fact that 'Raw's' been the flagship of WWE. 'Smackdown' wants to be number one.

I think it's just in my nature to irritate people and push things as far as I can. It's really benefited me in WWE.

Billy Gunn, Bill DeMott, and Dusty Rhodes all helped me find myself and how to express it to people so they understand.

When I left NXT, I was kind of mad that I was never NXT champ, so when I got to the main roster, that was my first goal.

I really want to test my athletic ability, my toughness, and my skills against those guys who are in my ballpark size-wise.

Fit Finlay and guys like that, who can work with you and tailor who you are and what you're doing in the ring, are unbelievable.

I am a big dude that can move, so I want to see what kind of magic a guy like Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins can bring against me.

I came from the NFL, so people didn't like that, or they just try to make assumptions, and I think when you assume, you look stupid.

We have amazing people that help us backstage, and Arn Anderson is someone I always like to look to. He's a legend in his own right.

Just like when I was in the NFL, you've got to find those smaller dudes - and when you get your hands on them, it's bad news - all day.

If you look up what I did in Arizona, you'll see that I fought my way through training camp. I didn't have a problem fighting my teammates.

One time, I was practicing against the Tennessee Titans, and one of their defensive linemen took a cheap shot at our running back, so I planted him.

There's a great feeling when you look in someone's eyes and they have that 'look of defeat,' and that's what I'm looking for, and that's my game plan.

When I won the United States Championship at Hell in a Cell, it was awesome. It was my first championship ever in WWE, so it's a really cool moment for me.

My Instagram, my Twitter, is a form of advertisement for my business and what I do. Yeah, my brand. It is, but it is crazy how negative it is to everything!

Our dad was an iron worker, a really tough guy. He raised us to be strong and stand up for ourselves. Whatever we want, we go and get it. Sometimes, you have to take it.

Going to that level, a lot of guys get to the NFL, and they don't make a long career out of it. The NFL is very hard. One percent of college athletes make it to the NFL.

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