It's only pain, it will not hurt you.

Everybody underestimates the kick to the groin.

You can buy muscles, but you can't buy COJONES!

It is better to do too much than to do too little.

No beer before 5 p.m., wait... did I just say that?

I dont believe in an eye for an eye, I believe in two eyes for an eye

I don't believe in an eye for an eye. I believe in two eyes for an eye.

Fighting is easy to understand. You just hit the guy as hard as you can.

I wanted to be the Dutch Bruce Jenner - that was my goal. He was my hero.

A true champion is one who sweats from exhaustion when no one is watching.

A champion is someone who sweats to exhaustion, even when no one else is watching

I thought martial arts was going to help me with my movies and TV stuff, but I realized it would not.

I am there for the best interests of the fighters, I want them to win. If they don’t accept that, bye bye.

Apparently, the the only way to kill a lion is by rear naked choke. Personally, I’d just kick it in the head.

Keep everything simple, don't try anything crazy and all your strikes must be hard! NOTHING WEAK, no jabs or weak attacks.

Everybody's beatable. Mixed martial arts, there's many ways to win, and that also means there are many ways to lose, as well.

As long as you fight, you cannot lose... if you leave everything out there, it doesn't matter if you win or lose. To me you can never lose.

I was this kid who never sat down. Nobody liked me? Well, I'd make sure they'd like me. I was the class clown, always doing crazy stuff and causing riots.

Fedor has no weakness. I have seen so many fights, and even the best fighters in the world have a flaw in their game but I have yet to find one in Fedor Emelianenko.

I knew everything in the forest. I had a secret home tree, where I pretty much lived. I also liked rooftops and streetlamps. My parents would get calls saying 'He's out there again.'

I love palm strikes because you have a longer reach. Normally, when you give a left hook and then a right straight, you are too close for the right straight. Why? Because the hook is shorter.

Everybody knows a guillotine choke, and most know how to get to one. But if you can create a different way to get to that choke, then you're going to surprise people. However, that will only happen one time, because once it gets used that one time, everyone will see that and start to train for it.

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