I feel like a quote out of context.

Off the coast and I'm headed nowhere

Im really good at writing almost hits.

People learn at the rate they are going to learn.

Rock and roll is - and should be - a kid's place.

If you can't draw a crowd, draw dicks on the wall

I'm aware that I'm very fringe, and it's nice that way.

The way I see it, there's only one melody for any song.

I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.

And all I really want to say is you're the reason I want to stay.

Everybody knows it hurts to grow up...and we're still fighting it.

Everybody knows it hurts to grow up... and we're still fighting it.

Billy Joel and Joe Jackson were both great, and they both play piano.

Notes don't make music until you learn to insert silence between them.

A lot of 18-year-olds are like old men. They think they've seen everything.

The nice thing about age is worrying less and less about what people think.

Now that I have found someone, I'm feeling more alone... than I ever have before.

There is still some art in pop music. But it can't happen if you're not inspired.

My parents told me I must get married. I was seen as a failure if I didn't do it.

The clock never stops, never stops, never waits. We're growing old. It's getting late.

What stupid f - king idiot gets married a second time if the first time didn't work out?

You never know when you put out an album that's unique whether it'll get beat up for it or not.

The cruelest lies are often told without a word The kindest truths are often spoken, never heard

I feel like a quote out of context, withholding the rest so I can be for you what you want to see.

You can't really control how people hear stuff. It's hard to remember that. I have to let go of it.

Even though I live in America more, I feel like when I go to Adelaide, that's when I get to go home.

If you're afraid they might discover your redneck past, there are a hundred ways to cover your redneck past.

Because I write very simply, but inside the simplicity, there's a lot of subtlety. That's what I'm proud of.

My job is to be some sort of music/lyric psychic, to figure out that that's the right song to not fight the lyric.

I've gotten to the point where I realize that I need to tell my truth in music and not walk around blabbing my mind.

I do think that when you make repeated mistakes, it's usually because you're just not coming to grips with something.

I'm not really a strange person or anything, so if there's music I like, usually there's other people who like it too.

Being capable of anything is a bullshit concept, unless it means you also admit that you're capable of cheating, lying and killing.

Why would I want to sound like Joni Mitchell? I've got Joni Mitchell records, and they're great, and I couldn't possibly be that good.

I think a lot of good directors listen to music while they're working. The songs just don't become a part of the film. They're replaced.

The reason I stop playing songs is usually because I get sick of them, and then they find themselves back into the set list at some point.

The press is like any business. Its a group of really intelligent individuals that ends up being one slathering, one-eyed, drooling monster.

The press is like any business. It's a group of really intelligent individuals that ends up being one slathering, one-eyed, drooling monster.

The music business is a weird business. Sometimes licensing doesn't happen because some business component that you never knew about stops it.

The nature of honesty is that if someone has information or knows something about you that you don't want heard, then they have power over you.

I want people to listen to my lyrics and be okay with themselves. The people who have it the roughest are homosexuals who come out of the closet.

I do have that mindset - that most good art comes from some turmoil, from someone trying to come to some equilibrium, or come up and get a breath.

I think people use temp music quite a bit, but the people who write the temp music don't ever really learn that their music was inspiring a movie.

White people don't sing together very often, and when they do, it's about the celebrity of the song. The singing at my shows is all about harmony.

If I'm in a relationship and my girlfriend is sleeping with other people, I don't need to know who it is; I just want to know how she feels about it.

The less I talk in bars, write emails, express myself in an emotionally lewd way outside of my songwriting, the more I have to do it through my music.

Everyone, when you're a teenager and you're growing up, you do feel like your life is dramatic enough to be on a TV screen, but we know that it's not.

I have manic energy. What can be done about it? I don't know what to say sometimes. I'm professional in public, but I like to stay inside and be a hermit.

When someone really goes to tell you something about what they're thinking, they're going to wear that experience with them. That's what you have to share.

I'm older than I was, and I'm still washed-up, and I haven't changed my music one iota. It's just much easier to do this when people are being nice to you.

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