Pittsburgh is a football town.

I have a strong belief in God.

I know I'm a really good coach.

I'm a good person and a good guy.

The summer in Arizona is too hot.

Field-goal percentage is very important.

Both my children have degrees from UCLA.

I watch a lot of games and analyze a lot.

I wear Johnston & Murphy, not penny loafers.

Archie Miller does a fantastic job at Dayton.

You can never blame somebody for wanting to go home.

Putting your feet in ice cold water? That's not fun.

Everybody makes mistakes. I'm definitely not perfect.

I love UCLA and the people at UCLA. Everybody is great.

No one is perfect. I would never claim to be that person.

When you take over a screwed-up situation, you need time.

Thing about New York is it is so exciting with so much to do.

Basketball movies don't really accentuate the flow of the game.

Kevin Stallings has been a picture of consistency at Vanderbilt.

I always had great respect for the SEC with all the great players.

I love to visit New York, but Los Angeles, to me, is a great city.

We've got to get everybody to sacrifice, be on same page, be a team.

Winning, to me, is relief; losing is like dying. It's gut-wrenching.

I try to be honest. I try to take the high road. That's all I can do.

You should want to run if you're a player, shouldn't you, on offense?

Losses are always bad. They're always tough. Doesn't matter what year.

That's why I'm here at UCLA - to help them win a national championship.

I had a relationship with John Wooden. I spoke at his memorial service.

I will never leave UCLA and will stay at UCLA as long they will have me.

My dad taught not only tolerance but appreciation for every human being.

I always think I put more pressure on myself than I feel from anywhere else.

There's no question we made a couple mistakes there at UCLA at the very end.

I coached Brandin Knight at Pitt, who was unbelievable, and also Carl Krauser.

Flagstaff, up in the mountains where I lived, there is 130 inches of snow a year.

Las Vegas is a big draw. There are a lot things to do there other than basketball.

My first introduction to Russell Westbrook was as a leader. It was pretty impressive.

Usually you have a feel for what a kid's abilities are by the end of their sophomore year.

At UCLA, there will always be high expectations. That's why you want to play here or coach here.

The number one thing in recruiting in terms of making it a great job is players in your own area.

We need to play tough defense and have a sound offense. But mostly, we have to outrebound the other team.

It still comes down to attracting players, and UCLA can attract players as well as any place in the country.

I've had a number of kids in the NBA that I've coached and a number of other great players that I've coached.

I can't think of much higher praise to give a player than to say, 'This point guard reminds me of Jason Kidd.'

One thing a shooter loves is to make his first shot. He makes his first shot from three; that builds confidence.

One thing I've always prided myself on is understanding that to have success, you have to have high-character kids.

UCLA will always be involved with great players, and those players always draw scrutiny. That's just the way it is.

I'm a good coach. I do the right things for my players, and I try to support them; I try to help them almost to a fault.

I get to work with the best and the brightest at UCLA. We get to recruit great kids, and that makes coaching very fun for me.

You're always trying to learn from the past to plot a course in the future that will be better. You're always trying to learn.

You have more control of things if you play defense. And you can control how you play defense, too, with effort and preparation.

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