We are a temperate state.

No Israeli leader is a king.

I am going to be prime minister.

Israeli Arabs are equal citizens.

Israel will never surrender to hatred.

There's no shame in longing for peace.

There's no shame in striving for peace.

We're not ashamed to use the word 'peace.'

I will not sit with Netanyahu in the government!

Netanyahu needs to leave Israel's political life.

The tension between Jews and Arabs tears us apart.

The capital of Israel is Jerusalem, no matter what.

I am a soldier. That is who I am. That is what I do.

I'm not subject to extortion under any circumstances.

We will maintain security in the entire Land of Israel.

What you demand of others you should carry out yourself.

I can't consider the Fifth Dimension to be a success story.

I love to run and do it every day. I run slowly, by the way.

I think that at his core, Benjamin Netanyahu is not corrupt.

I recommend voting Blue and White, but I respect any decision.

I don't want to separate religion and state, I want to settle it.

We cannot agree on everything but we must agree on the framework.

Netanyahu is no king, his government sows division and incitement.

Not like other countries, we will never ask anyone to fight for us.

Trust me, I am proud of our country. I will never be ashamed of it.

Internal unity means that external security issues can be dealt with.

The State of Israel is the strongest in the region and will remain so.

For me, sacrificing Israeli democracy is not something I can agree to.

National unity does not only have to occur when swords are swung at us.

I pledge that the personal safety of Israeli citizens will not be futile.

A two-state solution cannot be promised without having negotiations first.

I can tell you what I'm driven by. I'm driven by what's in Israel's interest.

I want the children of Israel to believe that there can be a better tomorrow.

As a company commander you have absolute definitions: the mission, the people.

I always said my favorite position was company commander in the Paratroop Brigade.

When I will be the prime minister of Israel, I will embrace all streams of Judaism.

Peace between leaders and peace on the ground will strengthen the interests of all.

Israel will not be deprived of its status as a strong, Jewish and democratic state.

We cannot separate Judaism from the Jewish State; we have to decide how to live with it.

A prime minister cannot preside over Israel when an indictment has been filed against him.

We all need a government that solves our real problems and is not preoccupied with itself.

I do not wish to slander his name, I think Netanyahu ran the country well but his time is up.

Don't drag the Mossad into political arguments. These are people who can't defend themselves.

We must learn to live together, and the framework of Zionism must know how to include everyone.

Is the role of the prime minister to cultivate political leadership in Israel? My answer is yes.

We have left and right; religious and secular; Druse; ultra-Orthodox women. Unity is very important.

On my watch, Iran will not become a regional power. And I will not hesitate to use force when needed.

We are part of an inspiringly colorful mosaic of cultures and traditions. I will nurture this pluralism.

Would the Benjamin Netanyahu of the eve of the election want me to get hurt? Regretfully, I would say so.

When I'll... form a government, I don't intend to cooperate with those who go against the State of Israel.

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