I'm a big fan of TV.

Bernie Mac is talented!

Bernie Mac don't sugarcoat.

Comedy has been so good to me.

Fear is not one of my attributes.

My daughter was a beautiful child.

I've been in training for stardom.

I've never been no superficial cat.

I was a street performer for two years.

I have so much respect for what's funny.

I love who I am. I love what I've become.

I think a lot of TV insults the audience.

I'm so black, I leave fingerprints on coal.

I'm funny. I'm a comedian. I'm not a clown.

I was good at keeping my mother from crying.

I can't build myself by beating somebody down.

I'm an ordinary guy with an extraordinary job.

You're never going to see me playing a buffoon.

Stand-up is what I am; stand-up is what made me.

Whatever success I've had, I always like to top it.

I came from a place where there wasn't a lot of joy.

My humor had changed from foolishness to making sense.

I ain't running for office. I ain't running for nothing.

We're so politically correct; we take things so seriously.

Bernie Mac just says what you think but are afraid to say.

I want to play a villain - I can't wait to play a villain.

Hugs aren't like pieces of pie. Plenty of hugs to go around.

The two sides of Bernie - that's a quiet weapon that I have.

I'm not a politician, I'm a comedian. I know my limitations.

My grandmother always told me how you start is how you finish.

Whatever you hear at the barber shop, stays at the barber shop.

Only way you can you get upset is when you expecting something.

When I go onstage, I want to relieve your mind, your pressures.

My comedy comes from pain. I can't stand to see someone hurting.

Why do people love Richard Pryor so much? 'Cause he had problems.

You can't be a doctor if you don't know the entire parts of the body.

It's a pleasure to work with someone who is just as strong as you are.

I don't think the people wanna see me play Clyde Johnson the architect.

When you're offstage, that's the footprint. That's the man God's gonna judge.

I always wanted to scuba dive. I used to scuba dive undercover like black Aquaman.

I don't ever watch myself. By watching, you try to perfect yourself, become a robot.

I know doing movies is where I need to be. That's where my audience wants to see me.

That's the whole key to anything: Don't be afraid to fail. And is not afraid to fail.

I don't need to pat myself on the back until my arm breaks. I don't need any of that.

Suffering is a good teacher. It keeps you in its grip until you've learned your lesson.

I'm not afraid to fail. Sometimes when you lose, you win. Sometimes when you win, you lose.

Sometimes when you lose you win, son. Failure is just life's way of preparing you for success.

When it comes to raising children, I believe in give and take. I give orders and they take 'em.

You have to meet all of the challenges, big and small. Because how you start is how you finish.

That's the whole key to anything: Don't be afraid to fail. And Bernie Mac is not afraid to fail.

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