I like diner coffee.

I never miss yoga before a show.

Women have been funny for years.

I'd like to do Glinda in a movie of 'Wicked.' That'd be my dream.

My best girlfriends are the girls I went to college with at UCLA.

I love 'Yoga With Adriene' videos on YouTube, cardio hip-hop, and kickboxing.

Comedy always pushes some buttons, because it wouldn't be comedy if it didn't.

Working with horses has taught me how to ground myself in my body when I feel panicky.

Meditation has changed so many aspects of my health that when I don't do it, I feel awful.

'Me-tox' means doing what works for you; for me, that's 20 minutes of meditation, twice a day.

I was born in Pennsylvania, but for most of my childhood, my family lived in Lynchburg, Virginia.

In today's world, most people are working side jobs while waiting to do what they really want to do.

Self-care equals success. You're going to be more successful if you take care of yourself and you're healthy.

Know who you are, because that's how you will be cast at first. Then you can be Meryl Streep further down the road.

I actually feel that the better you know yourself, the more you want to hang out with yourself and enjoy that time to do whatever makes you happy.

Anything that's outdoorsy and fun, like hiking, biking, running, paddleboarding, swimming in the ocean... and then I'll mix in Pilates, yoga, spin, ballet.

It's impossible for me to be successful at what I love most, which is acting and making people laugh, without making sure my body is fueled in the right way.

I'm very driven, and I always have been, but when do you prioritize self-care? It's so important because even to attain success, you must take time to slow down and get to know yourself first.

If I would get in trouble, my mom would already know when I came home after school. I didn't have time to give my side, because she would've already seen the teacher, like, in the teacher's lounge.

I got to sing for Julie Andrews when I was a senior in college. I was singing some of her songs for an audition and wasn't expecting her to be there, so when I walked in, I barely avoided peeing myself.

Some people love to run, and it's therapy for them, and some people can't stand it. And I just feel like there's so much in our society where you're judging yourself based on what you think you need to do.

My book, 'The Total Me-Tox,' is about self-care and self-love and how they lead to success and empowerment. My goal is to encourage women to be their best selves in a warm, friendly way. Think human, not superhuman.

I prefer to drink my salad to get veggies and other nutrients throughout the day, so smoothies are a staple of my day-to-day diet. They taste delicious even when they are packed with spinach, kale, and healthy superfoods.

There's something to be said about living in the present moment. In cooking, you're allowing your mind to just focus on the task at hand, and you're able to escape and put your mind at rest. That's why it becomes meditative.

I wake up around nine and do morning chants in my bed. I learned transcendental meditation four years ago, and I do it twice a day, plus an extra ten minutes before the show because I struggle with stage fright just before I go on.

When I started filming '2 Broke Girls,' I actually was broke, so I was eating all the junk food they kept on set. But then I developed a skin rash that lasted over six months. The doctors said that it was due to stress, my diet, and lack of exercise.

I'd love to tackle a classic Shakespeare play or take on Nora Helmer in 'A Doll's House.' Musical theater, it's the classics like Rodgers and Hammerstein and Cole Porter's 'Kiss Me Kate.' I'm much more a Julie Andrews-type soprano than an Idina Menzel.

Always make sure you have your rent. At the end of the month, if you have to eat Ramen for a week because you won't have your rent money, just do it but make sure your rent is all there so you're not stressing about that. As long as you have your rent at least you have somewhere to live.

Animals are everything to me. I always say, 'Who rescued who?' with my horse Belle. She is my greatest teacher. She teaches me to be grounded, present, and in the moment, which I feel is key to happiness. My panic attacks become nonexistent when spending time with my animals, especially out in nature.

From the time I was five years old, theater was all I knew. I did community theater; I went to theater school. It's like going to the gym as an actor: every single night, you have to recreate the illusion of the first time, so you really have to listen and connect and stay in the moment for an hour and a half - with no breaks.

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