I was really active as a kid. I was outdoors constantly.

I played tennis and softball, and we had horses, growing up.

I am drawn to roles that are strong, intelligent, and a little edgy.

I love to try new restaurants and breakfast places I can take my son to.

If I don't take care of myself and be kind to myself, then I can't take care of anyone else.

I love dressing up around the holidays! My friends also really like to get dressed up. It's an excuse to get fancy.

When I went to L.A., I started modeling, hoping to travel and learn from photographers. It led to auditions to do commercials.

I moved from Minnesota to Las Vegas when I was 13, so I spent my high school years there and did some things I'm not proud of.

I find that if I use my time well and take care of my mind/body when I'm outside of work, then I feel more supported throughout my day.

I have this vintage Valentino clutch. Ughhh, it's so pretty! Also, I'm not a big fur person, but I'll do a vintage fur every now and then.

If something boils up under stress later, I remind myself to breathe and focus back to how I decided my day was going to go. It's simple but it works.

I enjoy doing fun things outdoors with my son to stay in shape. We like camping together. After a weekend in the woods, I'm sorer than after a week at the gym!

I am drawn to roles that are strong, intelligent, and a little edgy. With Complications, I navigate my character Samantha Ellison through some really emotionally challenging times.

Growing up in Minnesota, I had a lot of freedom to run around, and we had go-carts and four-wheelers and all that stuff. I like that adrenalin-rush stuff. I did a little bit of dance, but mostly sports.

It's important for me to play women who can overcome adversity, make change, and take control of their lives. I think it's a great time for women in TV and film in general, and I want to help tell these stories.

It's so weird, not knowing what your life is going to be. I'm being optimistic. And when 'Leverage' comes to an end, I have lots of ideas for other things. You can't really sit and wait for things to come to you.

My background is in dance. No, I'm kidding. I was actually really uncoordinated as a child, when it came to dance, but I did play a lot of sports, and I do some break-dancing from time-to-time. No, I really don't.

If I don't take care of myself and be kind to myself, then I can't take care of anyone else. I think when my son was a baby I got used to not getting enough sleep, rushing and skipping meals, and feeling tired a lot of the time.

That lifestyle wears you down fast, so I started to take better care of myself. I exercise, sleep eight hours a night, take vitamins, eat organic foods, skip foods that aren't good for me, and I surround myself with amazing artists and friends.

Passion. Confidence. Gratitude. The possibility of making positive change in the world. It's the sort of "spark" one gets the moment they decide to go after what they want, really fight for it, work hard, and not give up. I love that spark; it's beautifully contagious.

I would say, being a parent is what makes me vulnerable. Loving someone so much it scares you. Knowing you'd do anything for them and then realizing there will come a time when you have to loosen the reins and let them figure it out on their own, and then trusting that you/they are making the right decisions.

I find that if I use my time well and take care of my mind/body when I'm outside of work, then I feel more supported throughout my day. So, instead of waking up and going straight for my cell phone or running to the gym, I take a few deep breaths, envision what I'd like to achieve that day, then rid my mind of anything that isn't going to help me get there.

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