Live simply; make compassionate choices when it comes to food.

Gish was the best representation of where we were at the time.

I was trying to be this person who is cool, eternally rocking.

I'm by nature kind of a glum person, but I'm not a sad pathetic

Soon you won't even have the choice to live or die as you wish!

I'm Irish and I was born on St. Patrick's Day. I'm lucky sevens.

I use music as some kind of weird salvation to get away from life

Jesus teaches us to forgive and I've got to trust him on that one.

The desire to hit a big home run is dominating the music business.

If practice makes perfect, and no one's perfect, then why practice?

There are people out there who are older who are cool. I want that.

Rock & roll is not about what you play, it's about how you play it.

Wrestling is one of the last truly rebellious American things left.

The music is all we care about -- so if that's bad, then we're bad.

I think God is the most unexplored territory in rock and roll music.

I don't think I'm before my time, I just don't think I'm in my time.

Don't judge yourself by someone else's standards. You will always lose

To be able to put your arms around 24 years of music, it's really fun.

For a 6-foot-3 guy with no hair and a whiny voice, I've done all right.

I never wanted to leave the Smashing Pumpkins. That was never the plan.

I'm like the Fugitive, running from the one-armed indie-rock community!

I mean, I'm certainly not a 'teaophyte,' or whatever the word would be.

Every year that goes by, I lose that much more motivation to play rock.

I'm from a lower middle class background; all my family were immigrants.

I had such a big mouth for so long that it doesn't faze anybody anymore.

I grew up in a house of no love or emotion - it kind of sticks with you.

And the world so hard to understand is the world you can't live without.

Where is this great love for rock and roll that existed for 50 or 60 years?

Ultimately, running a band is about the relationships you have with people.

Saturn Return is just the return of your planets to their original position.

The closer I get back to being who I really am, the stronger the music gets.

It's a simple formula for me now, I don't play any song I don't want to play.

I'm viewed as this weird, crippled character. But you got to take your lumps.

To me, music was about being accepted and escaping from this crummy existence.

I don't have any sentimental notion about how people are going to remember me.

People act like Nirvana invented grunge; they just took it and personified it.

Compliments and criticism are all ultimately based on some form of projection.

It makes me crazy to think that somebody might attack my city or any other city.

I grew up in the suburbs and basically associate the suburbs with cultural death.

Calm, open debate, and logical thought drive strength to its maximum effectiveness.

I never seemed to fit in. But it made me try to strive for things ten times harder.

We were in Japan once where they had 30 kinds of green tea. I thought there was one.

I went to see a shaman. He put his hands on me, and I cried like a baby for an hour.

I was part of a generation that changed the world - and it was taken over by poseurs.

Sometimes people just like being around each other, and good things come out of that.

I think the days of working with producers in the conventional sense are over for me.

This is not a reaction against a negative world. It's a response to a negative world.

You have to keep adapting to the times. If you kind of go with it, it can kind of fun.

When I've tried to reinvent the wheel, I get bashed for not doing the familiar things.

It's important for people to talk and get beyond the wall of Facebook and social media.

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