All war is deception.

Be where your enemy is not.

Defeat the enemies strategy.

Attack the enemy's strategy.

Kill one, terrify a thousand.

Do not press an enemy at bay.

Know thy self, know thy enemy.

All war is based on deception.

Weigh the situation, then move.

Rapidity is the essence of war.

A battle avoided cannot be lost.

Know the enemy and know yourself.

The Art of War is self-explanatory

Victory is the main object in war.

The true objective of war is peace.

Quickness is the essence of the war.

If your enemy is superior, evade him

O divine art of subtlety and secrecy!

The nature of war is constant change.

In desperate position, you must fight.

All battles are won before they start.

A leader leads by example not by force.

Every battle is won before it is fought.

When he pretends to flee, do not pursue.

Opportunities increase as they are taken.

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

If a battle can not be won do not fight it.

The best general is the one who never fights.

Ponder and deliberate before you make a move.

Sweat more during peace: bleed less during war

If the enemy opens the door, you must race in.

To know your Enemy, you must become your Enemy.

Weak leadership can wreck the soundest strategy

Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.

Concentrate your energy and hoard your strength.

He who wishes to fight must first count the cost

War is a matter of vital importance to the state.

In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night.

Attack like the Fire and be still as the Mountain

Great results, can be achieved with small forces.

No nation has ever benefited from a prolonged war.

If the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in.

Correct your mistake as soon as you have found it.

Keep their friends close and their enemies closer.

There is no place where espionage is not possible.

Until death itself comes, no calamity need be feared

Pretend to be weak, so your enemy may grow arrogant.

Balk the enemy's power; force him to reveal himself.

In war, practice dissimulation and you will succeed.

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