Talk about God can become dreary and lackluster if God isn't in you.

There's a way of life, there's a way of death. Which way are you on?

The word of God hidden in the heart is a stubborn voice to suppress.

... the thing that kept Christ on that cross was love, not the nail.

The Beatles are a passing phase, symptoms of the confusion about us.

If I had to do it all over again, I would speak less and study more.

When Christ's love fills our hearts, it puts selfishness on the run.

Sin then is not a toy with which to play but a terror to be shunned.

My family is very good about visiting me, and other friends as well.

I will never do anything in my entire life except preach the Gospel.

True prayer is a way of life, not just for use in cases of emergency.

The angels minister to God's servants in time of hardship and danger.

Prayer is more than a wish; it is the voice of faith directed to God.

Learn to keep close to Jesus, to listen to His voice, and follow Him.

We're all sinners. Everybody you meet all over the world is a sinner.

Our World has becoime a neighbourhood without becoming a brotherhood.

I'm the man of the hour, the man with the power, too sweet to be sour.

You will never understand who you are until you understand who God is.

Don't be misled by those who claim God doesn't exist, because He does.

Do you want to trust your life in God's pocket or keep it in your own?

Homes that are built on anything other than love are bound to crumble.

I can tell you that God is alive because I talked to him this morning.

If we had more hell in the pulpit, we would have less hell in the pew.

Being judgmental and condemning is not one of the gifts of the Spirit.

To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.

The farther we get from God, the more the world spirals out of control.

The world's favorite verb is 'get'. The verb of the Christian is 'give'

The most devastating effect of sin is that by it, we are blinded to it.

We are not cistern made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.

God is concerned about everything that concerns us - without exception.

The New Testament says nothing of Apostles who retired and took it easy.

We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing.

Believers, look up - take courage. The angels are nearer than you think.

Most of us know about God, but that is quite different from knowing God.

... some day you will have to give an account for every penny you spent.

Christ was God in human flesh, and He proved it by rising from the dead.

For a married couple to expect perfection for each other is unrealistic.

Having knowledge of the Bible is essential to a rich and meaningful life.

We in America should be grateful to God for the blessing he has given us.

We have perfected our weapons but failed to perfect the men who use them.

The moment we take our last breath on earth, we take our first in heaven.

Why should we give God thanks? Because everything we have comes from God.

Few people realize the profound part angelic forces play in human events.

What we think of Christ influences our thinking and controls our actions.

The older I get, the more important the eternal becomes to me personally.

The most eloquent prayer is the prayer through hands that heal and bless.

Heaven doesn't make this life less important; it makes it more important.

The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.

The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service.

God is more interested in your future and your relationships than you are.

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